Here is the poster for my friend and my own upcoming show in Moorhead, MN at the Rourke Art Museum.

The preview for friends and family is Friday, December 17th at 6:30 PM.
The official opening is December 19th at 2 PM where I will be giving a brief talk of the work.
Please feel free to respond with any questions.

4 Thoughts on “Art Club w/ Rob Arlt & Joshua Zeis

  1. Cool. Good luck and I hope you sell out.

  2. This isn’t my show, it is a fellow artist I know.

  3. Aim Ando on December 6, 2010 at 3:58 am said:

    I’ve seen both of these artists works before. Whether you’re talking with them or viewing their work… you’re sure to be amazed.

  4. Rob is extremely talented artist who I have worked with in the past, we share space in a private collection.

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