4 Thoughts on “Thune; The Afrin model (H/T – Helga & Colbert)

  1. gotta love colbert. i wish i had cable tv so i could watch it more often than just when i travel.

    he certainly has a point here. appearance is way more important than it used to be.
    qualifications are down on the list of needed attributes while most in this country are obsessed with how people look.
    uninformed idiot voters rule.

  2. You can watch full episode on the comedy central site.

  3. Jeff: As opposed to informed idiots. 🙂

    Appearance is important and not just for voters. Even the appearance of the candidates family is important.

    Thune isn’t as unknown as some people pretend. He’s well known in Republican circles and I doubt Colbert hasn’t heard Thune speak or make a statement more than once. Everyone is “unknown” until they become known. At one point, no one here had heard of Obama.

    That said, I have no use for Barbour or Gingrich as candidates. Too many negatives. They would be useful advisors or subordinates. Not excited about Romney or Huckabee. Palin should run for senate.

  4. Dave R: “Jeff: As opposed to informed idiots. ”

    touche. good point.

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