Anytime this guy opens his mouth, I just cringe;

Republican Senator John Thune says he’s surprised the U.S. Senate is staying so busy in the final days of the session.

He says some of the issues should be carried over to the next session of Congress and shouldn’t be taken up in a lame-duck session.

Republicans gained some Senate seats in the November election and regained control of the House.

Thune said November election results showed a rejection of Democratic proposals and to work on those bills now is “flouting” the election outcome.

John, you haven’t done Jack shit since you have been in office unless Johnson was holding your hand. Let’s talk about someone who flouts. You have obstructed everything Obama has attempted. Remember, Obama, our current president who won with a majority of the vote in the last presidential race? Flouting?! Ironic Johnny at his best, once again.

10 Thoughts on “I hope you slip on the ice John

  1. I saw Thune sitting behind McCain as he was spouting his BS. John Kerry had some great comments today aimed at McConnell but they also work well for Thune.
    They are whining about things happening so fast in the last 6 days. But they have been in discussion for 1 1/2 yrs. The party of NO, just ignored them and stamped their little feet. Even though you know they would have had a fit if the dems had said no to the Start Treaty. The r’s would have then complained the commies are going to get us. I hope they get snowed in DC for Christmas. Wonder if the C Street House serves turkey dinner for Christmas??? Or better yet haul his sorry ass to the Banquet and help and learn.

  2. And the same happens when the roles are reversed. Boo hoo, wank wank.

  3. Scooter on December 21, 2010 at 8:10 am said:

    I get tired of hearing the same old retort. Sorry no, the democrats seldom stand in a group, obstructing, lying, and play like children. More cases than not, democrats tend to be to nice and don’t go the the jugular like the republicans can and do.

    So please provide an example when the democrats did the same when the roles were reversed…

  4. I think the primary point is, even if one side does it – that does not give the other side an excuse to do the same.

    Remember a few years ago when the GOP was calling the Democrats – and Tom Daschle specifically – obstructionists? How is what they are doing any better?

    In fact – that is basically the only thing the GOP has done the past several years. They don’t offer any solutions, but rather make it impossible to pass any legislation unless they get their way… which results in things like expensive tax cut extensions for the ultra wealthy.

    Whether you love or hate some of the bills being pushed forth right now really isn’t the issue. They still get to be voted on just as they always have been, and since we pay our politicians to work I don’t think they should be complaining that they have to work “so hard” during the final days of the year.

    In a few years when the Democrats take the house back again, I’ll be looking for Thune to say that we should hold off on voting until the new Congress is seated. We all know that won’t happen however, as Thune is one of the biggest hypocrites in the entire Senate, and the only thing he does consistently is play partisan politics.

  5. Well said Costner, and I think it would not be to forward to look into the future and see another change, and then another, ad nauseum.

  6. I know Thune has presented a lot of legislation, but how much of it has passed? Be curious if anyone could give us the stats. Like I said, when Johnson was holding his hand, he gladly attaches himself to it.

  7. redhatterb on December 21, 2010 at 8:15 pm said:

    Some of the Republicans have also been complaining about not being home this week to spend with their families. I don’t know anybody that spends the whole week before Christmas celebrating the holiday. Also how many people do we know that have to work Christmas Day. It wouldn’t hurt the politicians to do the same thing, providing they do something worthwhile.

  8. Thune should just stay home. His votes and his kind already cost South Dakota over $160 million in lost earmarks.

  9. He should run for president so we can get rid of him.

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