I’ve known about this column for awhile. While I offered some quotes, I can see why I wasn’t quoted. Seems there was a little ‘blogger bashing’ going on;

Most bloggers simply regurgitate news from other sources or react to news with their opinions, which range from the reasoned to the deranged.

That sentence made me laugh. I think I lean towards deranged, but more in a Krusty the Klown sort of way, not a Sibby sort of way. But back to the topic at hand, Pitty Patt Powwers and his new found, taxpayer funded, job;

Conservatism has a diverse intellectual origin, but the conservatism espoused by Powers generally was the standard institutional line: law and order – throw the marijuana smokers in jail. Never pass on an opportunity to kick around the Democrats. And always advocate for small government. Though, on this point, some observers find it amusing that Powers isn’t so conservative that he’ll pass up an opportunity to make a living off the taxpayers.

Pat is a ladder climber, he’d sell his own dog if he knew it would push him two inches forward in the SD GOP.

But Adelstein thinks Powers was dishonest as a blogger. Now, the senator worries that Powers will have access to the sensitive business filings that are held at the secretary of state’s office. Powers, he thinks, is a creature of some nefarious faction at work in South Dakota.

“I don’t know who his masters are, but I think he’s got one or two,” Adelstein said.

Pat, Nefarious? Get out of here. He has masters alright, conspiracy theories and twisting campaign rhetoric.

Powers said he’s focused on the task at hand, and that’s updating the secretary’s computer system and website. And that could mean easier access to records for the public. As for being too partisan?

“At the end of the day, they need to just sit and watch the results instead of having a knee-jerk reaction,” he said.

Indeed, sound advice from one of the state’s most prolific bloggers. Knee-jerk reactions are usually unwise, and they’re usually par for the course on political blogs. Which makes this whole episode pretty amusing.

Yes it is amusing. Unfortunately the taxpayers of South Dakota are the ones that won’t be laughing once this hypocritical partisan hack takes over in the SOS’s office.

6 Thoughts on “Ellis points out the hypocrisy of Pat Powers (like he needed to)

  1. Powers posted a lot of defamatory materials, some of which has been recorded and is under examination for legal action. The only thing that saved Powers in the past was that he wasn’t successful enough in his real estate business to make the recovery of damages possible.

    He has a record of putting up libelous material, then either changing it or deleting it. He will find that, like toothpaste, once you have let loose defamation, it can’t be stuffed back in the tube or deleted from the memory or the record. Would you buy a house from this man? Would you trust anything he does as a bureaucrat? I for one am not going to wait and see. I will avoid the SOS office like the plague.

  2. Terrible column…especially when he was constantly described as the most important blogger in the state.

  3. Note the comment from Blob Ellis. ip had sex with him yet he denies it publicly. He’s a lousy screw.

  4. I remember when the SD GOP had to ban Powers from sitting in on Central Committee Meetings because he kept posting stuff. (Like SD GOP or SDDP say anything secretive at those meetings)

    Powers grabs gossip. It doesn’t matter where he is. SOS or selling homes he is in the know and people love to tell gossip.

  5. redhatterb on January 2, 2011 at 7:14 pm said:

    When it comes to official jobs, there is supposed to be confidentiality.

  6. Here’s the deal. I know I can cause a ruckus, and have been guilty of many of the same shananigans that Pitty has been up to, but by NO means would I ask taxpayers to pay my wages, especially running the computer system for the SOS. I know Pat and Jason don’t like Mary Jane, but fuck, they both must be smoking something to think this is a good arrangement.

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