I have been a huge fan of FOUND Magazine, and have often joked to myself, I would never find something like this. Pay Dirt. While the wind was blowing up my balls this morning scooping snow I found this piece of note paper (CLOSE TO MY FRONTSTEP). Like the fanatic I am, I dried it out and read it. This shit is rich.


8 Thoughts on “The Ugly Table (#19)

  1. I hope she found a proofreader before sending the menu to the printer.

  2. rufusx on January 3, 2011 at 11:19 am said:

    I’m thinking this was trainee note – not manager note.

  3. Oh, go eat some cotten candy and tst.

  4. Jackilope on January 3, 2011 at 8:18 pm said:

    OK, am I the only one disturbed that they only clean out their silver trash cans — if lined — every shift, once a week?

    Cotten candy at every table. Note to self: Ask why?

    Kinda funny. Wonder where this is at?

  5. Altoona, Iowa. The Cotten Candy and Tst capital of the world, all on one plate.

  6. anominous on January 3, 2011 at 11:09 pm said:

    What does it mean!?

  7. It means you better learn line dancing and breakfast food placement, and you better learn it fast, mister.

  8. Daizi46 on January 5, 2011 at 7:11 am said:

    Lewis…enjoying your comment…I’m working on the line dancing…!!

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