One of the tightest punk rock bands I have ever seen. Almost too perfect. I saw them at an all ages show at the Pomp Room and a friend at the time commented, “Of course they are good, when you don’t drink, fuck or eat meat you have plenty of time to practice.”



4 Thoughts on “Music club w/ Fugazi

  1. Beer Jew on January 11, 2011 at 2:49 pm said:

    Sounds like a classic Donni-ism!
    I love it!

  2. These guys rule. Heard them for the first time back in 1988 and that tape was pretty much permantly lodged in my car’s deck for the better part of a year.

  3. BJ – You nailed it, it was Donni that said that. I think they played the PR when we all lived at the Owl’s Nest and we weren’t allowed to eat your PIIIIIEEEEEE!

  4. Sy – I felt the same way when a skinhead (rude boy, not racist) gave me ‘Never mind the bollocks’ on tape. I still have the tape. I couldn’t stop listening to it, and felt I had to hide it from my parents because it was so controversial, even though the controversy happened a decade earlier.

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