“Let’s give away the farm to businesses, that will help economic growth.”

While I have railed on the SD GOP in the past for their ‘Pack of Wolves’ mentality and only working hard on killing anything ‘Democratic’ I have often wondered why they just don’t use that energy to come up with some good ideas for the state, instead they either have really mediocre ideas, or ideas that have been tried already and don’t really have results. Take Doogard’s answer to saving our state economically;

Just three days after taking office, Daugaard proposed ways to expand low-interest state loans to businesses, encourage aviation companies to relocate in South Dakota and promote ethanol use by motorists.

Once again, the SD GOP is proposing the same old crap that hasn’t really done much for the regular Joe. SD already has one of the most friendliest PRO-Business climates in the country. And what has it given us? Some of the lowest wages in the country. I suggest more worker rights. Better paid employees spend more money, which in turn pay more in retail taxes. This isn’t rocket science folks.

I have no freaking idea what bringing aviation companies will do for SD? Maybe someone can fill me in on that one. As for ethanol, that ship has sailed, while I am all for developing cellulosic ethanol, I think it is time to stop subsidizing an industry that is taking food off of our tables. I would suggest subsidizing wind energy to be a much better investment.

Rounds proposed budget isn’t much better;

Former Gov. Mike Rounds, who left office Saturday, proposed $65 million in cuts, including 5 percent reductions in state aid to school districts and reimbursements to doctors and others who treat low-income people in the Medicaid program.

Instead of cutting his expanded FTE’s (which haven’t done us a damn bit of good) and no bid contracts, he goes after education and healthcare. Why? Because dumb sick people are good for economic growth. Who knew? Not us dumb sick people.

6 Thoughts on “New governor Doogard seems to be short on ideas

  1. Daizi46 on January 13, 2011 at 6:57 am said:

    Is that the Governor’s new profile pic? I kinda like it!

  2. I can sorta see aviation companies helping in that aircraft are not cheap; however South Dakota does not exactly have friendly year round flying weather! Twisting the arm of some businesses around here would be beneficial, but not to his donors.
    Talking with a friend the other day, I found out that a McDonald’s in Ohio was starting pay off at 14 bucks an hour, as opposed to Sioux Falls at about 8 an hour. A guy flipping burgers can make more than I’d say at least one quarter of working age adults in South Dakota. I wonder why people are leaving the state after getting college degrees!

  3. Doogaurd went after the people who opposed him in the election. Kelby and Sanford supported Dave Knudson. So let’s go after pay for medical providers. Also SDEA supported Scott so let’s cut education. This getting even with political opponents has got to stop!

  4. Hamerhead on January 13, 2011 at 9:33 am said:

    I am afraid that things are going to worse under Dudley Doogard.

  5. Hamerhead on January 13, 2011 at 9:58 am said:

    My apologies, the comment should be:
    I am afraid that things are going to get worse under Dudley Doogard.

  6. Yeah, I don’t see a lot of changes in Rounds II

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