This comes as no surprise;

The members of Sioux Falls-based national recording act The Spill Canvas are taking a break. It’s unclear when, or even if, they’ll reunite.

“The band is on a bit of a hiatus,” drummer Joe Beck responded to questions on Facebook from the Argus Leader.

IMO this is a good thing. I have always kind of thought of the band as a flash in the pan. I have been familiar with Nick for a very long time, and have considered him very talented, and my assumption is that he will do some solo stuff. Good for him. That is how Nick started out in coffee houses around town and that is where he is strongest.

But what is odd about this story is the ‘presumed mystery’ behind the breakup. C’mon people, while I don’t have the inside scoop, one wonders how the publisher of our newspaper can’t just ask his son Joe, “What’s up?”

21 Thoughts on “SF ‘Spill Canvas’ breaking up? Say it ain’t so . . .

  1. For once you’re too kind. It’s pretty obvious what has happened – Warner Brothers has been dropping tons of bands in the past few months. Against Me, for example, is ten times bigger than these guys and were dropped this past November. I’d love to see the royalty statements – if they’re not at least a half million behind recouping (particularly given the predatory accounting methods of major labels) I’d be shocked.

  2. Odd, if you go by Facebook, SC has nearly twice as many fans as AM.

    Either way, this isn’t a good development. If they aren’t selling as well as they and their label hoped it would be hard to determine if Nick blames the band or the band blames Nick.

    I personally like their music, but more importantly they were plowing new ground for whatever music scene this town currently has. I was always hoping they’d hit it big enough to pull a Bright Eyes move and build some type of foundation in their hometown for other bands to launch from.

  3. Oh Sy, I think you would know by now that Facebook “fans” or twitter followers has nothing to do with actual popularity or sales.

  4. I’d be careful about dismissing their impact going forward, 10% of all internet traffic now flows through FB.

    BTW Lewis, why doesn’t SDCola have a FB page? Are you afraid no one will hit the “like” button?

    Back on topic, even Randell Beck even has a FB page, he likes Buffy the Vampire Slayer and the Bible, but apparently not TSC.

  5. I’m not dismissing the impact social media CAN have on people, businesses, etc. But saying Band A is bigger than Band B based only on their FB status is ridiculous.

  6. I have a personal facebook page, that is enough. Why are you my friend, Sy?

  7. Angry Guy on January 13, 2011 at 1:18 pm said:

    Good bands don’t just break ranks when a label drops them. It just proves that Thomas wasn’t in it to inspire anyone or create art.. it was a business deal from the get go.. and when the money doesn’t roll into your business venture, you just pull up your stakes and move on. He’ll be back, but it will be with some other band playing whatever shitty genre of music is profitable at the moment.
    Personally, I really couldn’t care less if they break up or not. I AM curious to see if any of Nick’s future endeavors get as much press as TSC once Herr Beck’s loins aren’t pounding the skins.

  8. L3wis:

    “I have a personal facebook page, that is enough. Why are you my friend, Sy?”

    Too many reasons to enumerate. However, we aren’t FB friends for some reason, let me see if I can rectify that.

  9. SuperAverageGirl on January 13, 2011 at 4:49 pm said:

    Gawd! Get a room!

  10. There is a God! Far better bands to represent the city are out there. Sweet news!

  11. Angry Guy on January 14, 2011 at 8:33 am said:

    I think I found the perfect band to fill TSC’s gap in the Sioux Falls scene.
    Say it with me people… Call to VENGAAAANCE!!!

  12. skybluesky on January 14, 2011 at 12:32 pm said:

    Sorry Angry Guy but I’d take a teeny bopper act that writes original music like TSC over some crap metal cover band any day.

    Also…why is everyone so obsessed over the Beck and Spill Canvass connection? Yeah they had a stupid amount of press for a period of time but c’mon when is the last time a SD band signed to an actual major label, toured with national acts and sold as many records as these guys did? I’m not a fan…I’ve heard like one of their songs. Just saying that what they accomplished coming out of Sioux Falls, basically as a high school garage band, was pretty damn impressive.

  13. Angry Guy on January 14, 2011 at 5:00 pm said:

    SkyStupidHeadsky… C2V is going to be HUGE! just wait and see.

  14. Sky, trust me, you don’t know half of the faux promotion going on at the AL. Like I said above, the best talent in the band is Nick, and I hope he does something with it.

  15. Bethany on January 26, 2011 at 9:10 pm said:

    Just an fyi for all you haters here, TSC was not dropped from their label…don’t make assumptions, it just makes you look dumb!

  16. So what happened then? You seem to have all the inside info?

  17. Bethany on January 27, 2011 at 4:56 pm said:

    They asked to be released from their contract because they were breaking up (or taking an indefinite break), it’s pretty standard procedure…I don’t want to get into details though, because it seems as though they aren’t talking about it if their hometown doesn’t even know. I just thought it was only fair to them to correct the assumption that was going on here that they were dropped from their label. Plenty of bands have gotten dropped from a label and not broken up, a record deal is not what makes a band a band.

  18. Thanks. Heard Nick Thomas is a playing a solo gig at a Steakhouse in Iowa.

  19. Sioux Steph on April 16, 2011 at 10:56 pm said:

    Well i heard Since Spill has singed on with Warner Bros they are pushing the band to make “more pop” sound with thier music and the band wasnt digging it. They want to make thier own sound. It totally makes sence, since they signed to Warner the sound totally changed. I ve seen them a couple of times live and they sound really really good, i hope whatever happens they still continue to make music

  20. a-mac on June 28, 2011 at 9:54 pm said:

    If Nick does anything solo let me know, because i need it. Nick is, in my opinion, the best songwriter of his generation.

  21. FineFighter on September 9, 2011 at 10:53 pm said:

    gossip queens… these are nice guys that have been working and fighting to release the music they want to. Do you really think that WB does not have the final say in what they allow on a album??? This issue and other personal issues that all people go though as the grow up. Families, friends, and yes money are important. Labels are not making all musicians millions. People miss loved ones. Life sometimes is more important than music. Shoot me, but it is. But even though they are on a break now don’t count them out just yet, 75% (if not all) of the band want to get back on the metaphorical horse.

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