Here is a look at a few of the proposed bills so far in 2011;

HB 1012: change the terminology for mental retard, mentally retarded, mental retardation, and other similar terms in statute and to provide for the change in printed materials and signage.

I was unaware people in the state were still using that terminology in documents? And people say we are behind the times in SD.

HB 1026: repeal fleet licensing procedures for certain vehicles.

Not sure what crossing out an entire law accomplishes?

HC 1001: Honoring and supporting the Scotland Kuchen Feier on the occasion of its second annual event.

HC 1002: Honoring and supporting Czech Days in Tabor, South Dakota, on the occasion of its sixty-third anniversary.

Gotta love Frank. Two bills honoring my German and Czech heritage? Kickass!

SB 29: create the crime of making a false statement to a law enforcement officer and provide a penalty therefor.

Isn’t that already illegal? Let’s ask Bill Clinton.

SB 34: create the crime of possessing, selling, or distributing certain substances intended for the purpose of intoxication.

This is about as clear as mud. Will bars be charged with a crime for serving alcohol? Define ‘Certain Substances’

SB 48: revise certain provisions regarding the consumption of distilled spirits in public and to provide certain penalties for consumption of alcoholic beverages.

Give me a break. Alcohol is a legal substance to those of age. If I am having a beer in a park, how is it harming or affecting you? There is no such thing as second-hand beer.

SB 55: allow the shooting of coyotes from snowmobiles.

Senator Maher has been watching too many episodes of ‘Sarah Palin’s Alaska’

By l3wis

6 thoughts on “The SD Legislature 2011 Bill List”
  1. HB 1012. This was only changed in Fed. terminology last year (printed materials, etc.) yeah sd is behind in many areas but not this one.

    September 23, 2010

    The House of Representatives unanimously approved a bill Wednesday evening paving the way for the term “mental retardation” to be replaced with “intellectual disability” in many areas of federal law.

    The legislation known as Rosa’s Law now goes to President Barack Obama who White House officials say intends to sign the measure.

    Under the bill, the terms “mental retardation” and “mentally retarded” would be stripped from federal health, education and labor policy. “Intellectual disability” and “individual with an intellectual disability” would be inserted in their place

    For the rest of the story go to

  2. SB34 probably has something to do with “Four Loco” and similar such caffinated alcoholic beverages.

    It might also cover things like synthetic marijuana (I forget what that stuff is called, but I know you can get it here in the state).

    What I take from this list is… we really don’t have any pressing matters, so we need to make shit up to pass the time between sponsored open bar nights in Pierre.

  3. slightly off-topic– i saw on kelo that t. denny is giving sanford another 100 million. the state’s deficit is $75 million, no? how about t.denny pay off the deficit and put $25 to education (to replace the stimulus money that rounds stole)? we would have to change our name, though. how does sanford dakota sound to everyone?

  4. T. Denny would be better off giving his $100M to vaccination efforts in Africa (which would obviously help spread the Sanford Health name) than we would by giving it to the state.

    If the state gets more money, they just spend more and then come asking for even more when they run out. Having a budget deficit is a good thing and forces them to make the hard decisions that should have been made five years ago.

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