“Thanks Reed for the question.” (use your imagination and pretend the monkey is holding a softball instead of a baseball)

Am I the only one that thinks Ask the Mayor has turned into a softball session with host Reed Holsen? It almost seems like Mike sends the questions to Reed that he wants him to ask. He answers them too quick. He seems Hell bent on defending himself against the media reports. His latest episode was pathetic. I feel sorry for Reed. I’m surprised Mike doesn’t open the show with Reed bringing him a cup of coffee and polishing his shoes.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Let’s play some softball with the Mayor”
  1. Almost all of the “news” portion of KELO’s 6:00 news was a BJ to Huetther. First, it was him saying that they’ll do whatever is needed to fix the sewer system. Then it was the “shocking” story of the handicapped guy wheeling himself down Minnesota Ave. because the sidewalks are too dangerous. We got to hear the tough guy side of Huetther, as he angrily claimed that he held a meeting to demand that this problem is fixed. It’s all bullshit.

  2. Yeah, the sewer system does need to be fixed, but they are using the poor system as an excuse to raise fees, again. It still chaps my hide that Munson squandered our record tax revenue on stupid shit instead of taking care of the infrastructure.

    As for the sidewalk issue, they are dangerous for anyone, handicapped or not. I walked to Lewis today (about 5 blocks) I walked on snow or ice the entire way.

  3. Munson blew public money on dumb stuff. Examples are the Washington Bazilion, Phillips to Nowhere and 10 baseball fields in Iowa. A good theme for Munson was ‘Build it and where are they?’. Huether praises him but should lay blame for why there are major infrastructure problems.

  4. “Ask the Mayor” is hysterical. They should show this late at night on Adult Swim. It appears as though both of them are reading from a script. “Mr. Mayor, if I may humbly ask: do you prefer sprinkles on your cookies or a touch of sugar?”

  5. Reed Holsen is worthless. Sloth and deceit define his character. Give him a script and he’s decent voice but that’s about it.

  6. I don’t think anyone should be attacking anyone on tv’s character here.

    It’s a perfectly watchable show. It just makes the other shows all the more interesting.

    It’s like, “Ask the Mayor, with Reid Holsen” : “Mayor Mike Huether’s Listening and Learning Session for the public at the Whisk & Chop” as “Caprica” : “Battlestar Galactica”.

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