And as usual, he could not give a straight answer (It starts at about 1:03).

Actually, Greg asked the question several times, in different forms,

“Who will be deciding the site location? (paraphrasing)”

and Huether never once answered the question. While this is frustrating, it proves my point that Mike is a con. He is going to decide the location. Period. Greg even asked if the council would get to vote on the recommendation, and Mike could not answer that question either.

Someone needs to put this guy up against the wall. Seriously. Enough fiddle-faddle.

Maybe I missed this exchange in Ellis’ story?

4 Thoughts on “SF City councilor Jamison asks Huether a simple question . . .

  1. He’s been asked this question directly at least 4 times in the process going all the way back to the CC meeting where Jamison tried to find out where they would do core samples for testing the bedrock, Jamison was frustrated enough to ask if one of the spots might be his back yard.

    This from the guy who’s told Build it Downtown to “trust the process”, except for this critical decision there is no process. The Mayor is also on record saying we will “trust the experts”, but we don’t know what info they will be given or how broad or narrow a scope they are will be instructed to operate in. Nor do we know how their conclusion will be reached.

    I also like how the Mayor brought up (without his permission) a private email from Jeff Fiegen, one of the locals who didn’t get picked as a Construction Manager. The email was basically Fiegen saying he respected the decision and if there’s anything he can do to help the project he’s supportive. Huether is using this as an example of someone who was a “loser” in the process coming around and joining the team. What he leaves out is one of Fiegen’s main income streams is steel erection and he obviously wants a piece of that action and will bid it when it comes out.

    I wonder if that sentiment is good for the gander?, if the economic study comes back and shows the Arena site is indeed a “loser”, will the Mayor come around and support downtown in an effort to get it done?

  2. Nope. i have said all along. The site has already been picked.

  3. This from the guy who’s told Build it Downtown to “trust the process”


    I don’t trust ANY process at this point. I just finished watching Inside Town Hall in which Madeline Shields threw a bunch of softballs at Rex Rolfing and Mike Cooper. For the life of me, I cannot figure out the obsession with WHERE, when the discussion should be 1) How do WE finance it? And 2) Why do we even need one?
    How would you propose we finance this thing?

  4. I just watched it too. Talk about a lot of lime jello with carrot slivers.

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