It makes me chuckle when people piss and moan about typos on my site, even though I don’t make any money from it and volunteer my time to put it together and have NO editors, but when the state’s largest newspaper can’t even spell the name of their own paper correctly in a promo piece, one wonders.

This was sent to me by a South DaCola foot soldier, I won’t credit them, unless they want me to.

3 Thoughts on “The ‘Argue Endorser’ it has a nice ring to it

  1. Randall on February 18, 2011 at 2:45 pm said:

    and ironic too: Argue Leader

  2. I just finished watching Yvonne, Randall and Mareiiriercuaroplalll at the pothole street discussion forum. I almost fell asleep. If the AL wants to energize these events, they should let the execs stay in their offices and take naps, and let the younger generation run these events.|video||umbrella

  3. Pingback: Ghosts and Horses approach the striking masses. | The Post SD | South Dakota Stories and News

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