21 Thoughts on “Gov. Scott Walker gets punked by David Koch impersonator

  1. Funny how when this type of stunt was pulled on ACORN and criminal intent was actually exposed the Left was up in arms and wanted the prankster incarcerated for life.

  2. Scooter on February 24, 2011 at 9:56 am said:

    Big difference between the two. Anyway it is sad that anyone has to resort to this to get the truth…

    Shame on you Gov. Walker.

  3. Oliver Klosov on February 24, 2011 at 12:37 pm said:

    I’m a little fuzzy on what constitutes a “Big difference between the two…” when comparing this to the ACORN exposure?

  4. Costner on February 24, 2011 at 1:17 pm said:

    I think the difference is the ACORN incident was a case where they were posing as a pimp and prositute trying to entice the ACORN employee to give them information which would be unethical if not illegal.

    The problem was they tried the stunt previously and got nowhere – I think the time that made headlines was the third attempt.

    That said, it is still ethically the same issue as posing as someone else. I’m not sure the legal ramifications, but I’d say the same thing about this as I said about the ACORN incident – don’t be mad that it happened or that things were said or done that put people in a bad light. Just be made that those things are said and done.

    Seems like it is better to have this sort of thing out in the open rather than people lying about it, although I have not listened to this recording and have only heard second hand accounts of it. I doubt there will be anything all that damning or shocking.

    In the case of ACORN, that one incident pretty much destroyed their entire organization I believe, which is ok – if they were acting unethically or promoting illegal behavior, then they should no longer exist. If there is something unethical or illegal about what this tape shows then the governor should receive the same fate.

    It is funny that the Koch brothers have so much influence however. They seem to have control of much more of the right (including the Tea Party crowd) than anyone would like to admit.

  5. Big difference with ACORN. It was discovered that a few bad apples were doing some stuff wrong, while most of the reps were reporting to the police when these clowns showed up. There was no reason to shut down ACORN because of a couple of bad people. I don’t think there is anything damning in this audio, I just think it is funny how Walker keeps blabbing without realizing it’s a hoax, especially when the impersonator says, “Democrat Bastards”

  6. Oliver Klosov on February 24, 2011 at 2:55 pm said:

    Here’s the big difference l3wis:

    When you hear something like this about a Republican or Conservative through your big ol’ liberally slanted, taxi-door ears or see something like this while wearing your crazy progressive goggles you think it’s great.

    When some whacked out right wing nutjob sees or hears something like the ACORN clusterfuck through his crazy eye and ear filters, he thinks it’s great.

    The truth is you’re just as fucked up as the right wing nuts you rail about. Maybe you should read my book, “I’m OK, You’re Fucked”; it’s available in fine bookstores everywhere.

  7. Just who was ACORN fucking over?

  8. Oliver Klosov on February 24, 2011 at 3:34 pm said:

    ACORN was fucking over honest hardworking tax paying American citizens who funded their schemes. A better question would be who is getting fucked over in Wisconsin? Nearly the entire citizenry of Wisconsin is being fucked over by a TINY minority of a minority of union workers.

  9. anominous on February 24, 2011 at 4:47 pm said:

    Isn’t Walker an elected official.

  10. Actually, the big difference is that the ACORN matter was “accomplished” by the imposters via EDITING TAPES they made to create the APPEARANCE of impropriety when none actially occured (voices and conversations were overlaid on scenes in which they didn’t occur – or they were presented OUT OF CONTEXT) whereas the Walker tapes are WHOLE, COMPLETE and UNEDITED.

  11. how much more money does david koch want?

  12. “ACORN was fucking over honest hardworking tax paying American citizens who funded their schemes.”

    Schemes? Getting people out to vote? Is that a scheme? I forgot, Repugs like yourself, don’t like it when the poor and middle class vote.

    I don’t live in Wisconsin, none of my business.

  13. Oliver Klosov on February 24, 2011 at 9:08 pm said:

    Yeah, I guess you’re right l3wis, that’s what ACORN was doing — just being good honest citizens, helping the poor and downtrodden to get out and exercise their right to vote. Democrats/liberals/progressives are pure as the driven snow and the world would be a much better place if we could just get those mean Republicans to sit down and shut up. Maybe we can just get the Koch’s to give all their money to George Soros and all our problems would be solved.

  14. Step 1: Turn off FOX News.

    Step 2: Crawl in a hole.

  15. anominous on February 24, 2011 at 9:38 pm said:

    It’s OK, Oliver. He’s not “one of us”!

  16. Oliver Klosov on February 24, 2011 at 10:40 pm said:

    I watch FOX, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and once in awhile CNN. I’ll catch a little NPR, Rush and Ingraham on the radio most every day. I understand the difference between news and commentary. I would say I spend at least an equal and most likely greater amount of time watching, listening or reading wacky liberals. Keep your friends close and your enemies closer?

    I would wager a considerable amount that the only exposure you have to any conservative media is through the clips, sound bites and quotes you find in whatever snarky little lefto haunts you frequent on the Internet and from Rachel, Ed and Larry — the 3 Stooges of MSNBC. Would Jon Stewart be Shemp?

  17. I listen to all sources to, I also listen to Rush, O’Reilly and Beck, for a good history lesson laugh-a-thon. But I also read alternative media, the ones who exposed the Koch brothers, yet the MSM won’t touch it with a ten foot pole.

  18. I’m still trying to figure out how Soros’ financial input into the Democrats is going to lead us into a New World Order but the Koch brothers doing the same thing is patriotic.

  19. Oliver Klosov on February 25, 2011 at 3:16 pm said:

    Scott and Scott –

    Your posts illustrate my point precisely —- crazies on both ends of spectrum from left to right think that they are righteous and their counterpart crazies are the devil. According to both loony camps the MSM is biased toward the other and won’t do the investigative journalism needed to expose their sinister plans. The only difference between the Koch’s and Soros is their particular view of the world and how it should be in their fucked up minds. Having money magnifies who you truly are; if you’re an asshole, having money just makes you more of an asshole. David Koch, Charles Koch and George Soros are all gigantic flaming assholes.

  20. Ok, we agree.

  21. Solution. Gold Bond medicated power.


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