UPDATE: It seems at this point that Mike was misquoted according to my sources. But we will still see what the video says. I’m watching the video now, and will give you an update. If you Fast Forward to 50:00 min, you can hear the EC discussion. No where does Huether mention we voted on the 2001 proposal. He talks about the proposal, but that’s it.
Either that, or the Argue Endorser had another one of their classic mis-quotes (not like that ever happens
“Somebody give me the right time to build an events center,” the mayor said. He noted that in 2001, voters turned down a $60 million proposal to build an events center and a recreation center.
Was I living in some other town? Because I don’t remember that. From the Mar. 20 edition of the AL in the Voices section, titled “Timelines for events centers in Sioux Falls, Lincoln, Neb.”:
•2001: Forward Sioux Falls hires Minneapolis consultant to study options for replacing Arena. The consultant suggests building a 12,000-seat arena and a recreation complex for hockey, tennis and swimming. Cost estimates at up to $60 million.
•2003: Former Mayor Dave Munson says he wants a 12,000-seat events center to open along Phillips Avenue near Falls Park by 2008 to tie into a riverfront redevelopment plan.
•2004: Munson names task force to study feasibility of events center and recreation center. The task force recommends a 12,000-seat arena downtown, renovation of Arena and a new recreation center at Nelson Park.
•2005: Voters reject recreation center proposal. In light of public sentiment against that project, the Arena proposal is not pursued.
Voters have never voted on an events center. But like I said above, it is still a mystery who flubbed. The video is not yet up on the city-link’s website and I did not attend, so I can only trust what Harriman said.
Yet another revision of history the Administration is hoping people buy into. At this point they should hire Bigfoot as their Chief of Staff.
Let’s hold our horses. I think Harriman might have misquoted him. And while we both know the mayor has a tendacy to make shit up, so does the AL. I only send quotes VIA email so I have them on record.
Let’s wait until we see the video, then we can all be the judge, of course, if it is not edited
It looks like your right, so I’ll withdraw my comment above.
In another postive note, it appears the City has now begrudgingly agreed to count potential parking at both sites the same way, so I’ll give them credit for that…even though there’s no justification for doing anything different.
A little birdy just told me that there may have been another creative editing job. I’ll keep you posted.
it appears the City has now begrudgingly agreed to count potential parking at both sites the same way, so I’ll give them credit for that…even though there’s no justification for doing anything different.
Potential parking? Could you define that? And while you’re at it maybe define AVAILABLE parking for an event.
McCart Fields = potential parking
Railyard property = potential parking
A case could also be made that Heritage park at 6th and Weber should be considered as potential parking the same way as McCart. Both are public parks, but only McCart has ball diamonds (that need replacement) and $400K worth of upgrades that were done last year. Heritage is more of a neighborhood hangout park and some of the hanging out = same thing the City worked hard to eliminate on the Loop.
Also, the property owner that has the Johnstone & Midwestern Mechanical buildings next door to Cherapa is very open to relocating and allowing his property to be acquired for parking. All he wants is to be able to move into a suitable spot for his business, like one of the spots in the industrial parks.