The population in Benton County, Mississippi is less than 8,200, but, according to a new study, one in every 27 people has a Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), no other county in the U.S. even comes close.

Benton Medical Center family nurse practitioner, Christina Nunnally, says she sees cases of STI’s almost every day. “STDs are common through Mississippi,” Nunnally says, “A lower education level and higher poverty level it seems to breed STDs.”

The STI rate in Benton County is astronomical. The next closest is Dewey, South Dakota, where the rate is one in 43.

Shocking STD Rates Turn Focus On Sex Education

2 Thoughts on “The lack of sex ed in Mississippi has resulted in one county having the highest STD rate in the nation – way above the next highest in South Dakota.

  1. Note to self- never travel to Dewey.

  2. Costner on April 1, 2011 at 9:15 am said:

    Almost all of Dewey County falls under the Cheyenne River Reservation and the small part that doesn’t is in the Standing Rock Reservation.

    So yes – lower education and higher poverty do in fact breed STDs. Check the rates of teenage pregnancy and single mothers and you would find those are a major issue there too.

    Maybe they should start handing out a box or two of condoms with every block of government cheese.

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