(KELO-TV screenshot)

What a great story about the $2.7 million dollar governor’s mansion while said governor slashed the throats of education funding;

Like nearly all of the house, the chandelier was a gift. In fact, construction of the home also came at no expense to the state, with a group of organizers and donors making the project possible. That’s unlike the previous Governor’s Mansion which was financed by the federal government.

I found it curious that there was no mention of the upkeep of the mansion? Who pays for that? Are these same donors paying for operating expenses?

3 Thoughts on “Rub it in our faces?

  1. yanktonirishred on May 26, 2011 at 10:46 pm said:

    who is taking care of it? Female convicts for 25 cents an hour. It is coming out of the DOC budget.


  2. anominous on May 26, 2011 at 11:33 pm said:

    The great room in that feature looks like any lobby in a Ramkota chain motel, especially the carpet. The whole place looks a lot like a 4 story funeral parlor.

  3. l3wis on May 27, 2011 at 4:00 am said:

    Anon – I would agree, same thing I thought when I saw it. I was waiting any second for them to walk around the corner and se people having a continental breakfast.

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