“Our goal is to put everyone on the same playing field, except the pawn shop owners.”

Here we go again, our constitutionally inept city council with the help of the SFPD and a laundry list of consultants have decided that pawn shops, flea markets and antique dealers should be treated differently then other business owners;

The main concern is that a third-party private company will have their customer records and officials are able to view them without a warrant, she said.

Industry members proposed their own ordinance, which would require a warrant for law enforcement officials to be able to look at store records.

Twenty-one Sioux Falls businesses have signed off on the industry’s alternative proposal.

What’s one more ordinance on the books in Sioux Falls that violates the US Constitution? We gotta keep our city attorneys busy. It’s kinda boring when they only have one constitutional lawsuit going at a time. (currently they have lawsuits against them on code enforcement, red light cameras and sewer backups that occurred during the Munson administration.)

But as usual, Vernon has a great excuse;

Councilor Vernon Brown said the new ordinance is by no means extreme, especially compared with other states.

“The pawn industry is able to be regulated according to the courts for consumer protection.”

Who gives a rat’s ass what other states are doing? It’s blatantly unconstitutional. But you seem to want to roll the dice and see if the courts will rule in the ordinance’s favor. That is silly. Why put ourselves in that position? Councilor Anderson is the only one to stand up to the ordinance (ITEM #52 • FF to 1:50)

Instead of trying to find out who is selling stolen Sublime CD’s maybe you should be trying to catch casino thieves.



4 Thoughts on “What’s one more unconstitutional ordinance on the books?

  1. Pathloss on June 13, 2011 at 3:19 pm said:

    SFPD has no voice. It’s protect and serve, not unethically regulate. They gunned down a veteran with 70 shots. STFU until after the state finishes its investigation and puts your cowboys in the pen.

  2. l3wis on June 13, 2011 at 8:22 pm said:

    PL – Let’s not talk about that anymore until the investigation is finished. Seriously. I get tired of AG coming on here and telling you to fuck off. 🙂 Do I think it was excessive force? Sure. But maybe the cops are not very good shots?

    Let’s talk about the pawn shop ordinance, okay?

  3. anominous on June 14, 2011 at 12:04 am said:

    I’m fencing all my stuff through craigslist from now on.

  4. l3wis on June 14, 2011 at 12:08 am said:

    Did you hear public testimony tonight about this and the questioning of Entenman’s business and second hand goods? Read this book when it comes to that:


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