Rocco Tchetter from the Blues Bashers has officially challenged Ted Nugent to a guitar duel at the Sioux Empire Fair. He wrote Ted’s management and has explored other avenues to getting this done. Ted will be playing a FREE concert at the fair this year. Wish Rocco luck, and more importantly contact Ted’s people and tell him to man up. Because if this happens, Rocco will kick Ted’s mother fucking ass!

Rocco in action:


Ted, kinda in action:


By l3wis

8 thoughts on “The Great Guitar Duel”
  1. That’s one duel I would never see, free or otherwise. Not because of Rocco. Because of Nugent. Draft dodgin, worthless piece of shit parent who thinks the only good animal is a dead one with an arrow stuck thru it.

  2. He also thinks killing animals makes one a better guitar player.
    Ted will probably dodge Rocco, like he did the draft. By his own admission, Nugent stopped all forms of personal hygiene for a month and showed up for his draft board physical in pants caked with his own urine and feces, winning a deferment.
    Theodore Poopy Pants Nugent!

  3. Let’s just say for a second that the Nuge accepts this challenge. Having seen Jess wail on a number of occasions, IMHO he would give Ted a serious run for his money if not kicking his scrawny white ass.

    That being said, Jess is likely to be boo’ed off the stage by the crowd of ignorant fucktards that make up the Nuge’s fanbase.
    I’ll go and scream my head off in support of Rocco, but I predict it doesn’t end well for him (if it happens at all). Not with TN’s people running sound and an audience full of gun toting Repub morons.
    Just sayin’

  4. ted has everything to lose, and nothing to win. So he will just doddge the dual.
    whactcha wanna bet?

  5. I kind of enjoy the living Hell he puts himself through. I love it when he gets on neo-con talk radio and acts like a total ass.

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