“Hat, Schmat! Fix the POS employee salary listing!”

I have come to a realization since I have concentrated more on city politics, that you have much more influence on our local politicians then you do on state or national politicians. Go ahead and write Thune, Noem or Johnson. Enjoy your form letter back. I have found that the more I ask our local leaders, the more answers and results I am getting. I encourage everyone to learn who there local leaders are and get to know them. Call them with questions.

This particular story is one example of by simply asking for a change, you may get it;

The city of Sioux Falls has updated a web page that lists the salaries of city employees, part of an effort to make it easier for the public to use.

Mayor Mike Huether says the previous Web page was a “jumble,” and he asked that it be made more user-friendly after a resident complained about the page at a City Council meeting.

I complained, after trying to research Water and Sewer department manager wages.

The information has also proven to be popular in venues where it’s been published. But that hasn’t been the case for the Sioux Falls page. Sue Quanbeck Etten, the city’s director of central services, said there were only 351 hits on the page from July 1 to Aug. 2.

While 351 views are not that many (Pretty sure Poly and my views add up to like 261) 351 people is more that decided in a survey that we need an indoor pool, yet the city and the Argue Endorser are selling it to us like it is a done deal.

I’m glad people are viewing it, and after this story, maybe another 5-17 people will look it up. Remember, get involved locally, you can make a difference. Blogs are not influential, but the little pricks that run them are!


21 Thoughts on “All politics are local

  1. anominous on August 3, 2011 at 12:29 pm said:

    Nice shirt.

  2. Take off your hat!

  3. Poly43 on August 3, 2011 at 12:51 pm said:

    Does your T_shirt say Rat Fink? Cool.

    And what’s with the wild hand gesturing. You directing traffic or about to salute Rolfing?

  4. Scott’s been learning from Huether. I’m hoping he starts using “think outside the box” in every post.

  5. Angry Guy on August 3, 2011 at 12:57 pm said:

    no. DL gestures wildly when he’s half cocked….

  6. Costner on August 3, 2011 at 1:14 pm said:

    I have used the Argus salary listing because it was faster to find and easier to use. I suspect that could account for the low hit count on the SiouxFalls.org page.

  7. Poly43 on August 3, 2011 at 2:02 pm said:


    Are you referring to this? Or something else?


    Oh…and welcome back. You bring a, how shall I say, “different” perspective to things here.

  8. Scott, you are absolutely right…the greatest opportunity to affect change is at the local level…and, lately, I am reminded of this as I travel through the Nelson Park area and see all those kids headed to the Drake Springs pool for a day of fun in the sunshine!!!!!!!!!!

    Some of our local elected officials actually enjoy hearing from their constituents…

    AND, I will include the Mayor in that comment, because I appreciate the fact that he still answers his own e-mail!!!!

  9. Helga on August 3, 2011 at 2:18 pm said:

    You do have more influence on local politics when you live in small towns like Sioux Falls, Rapid City, Madison, but try that in Chicago, or Denver or Minneapolis, or LA. Not so easy in big cities.
    But keep hammering them, they need it.

  10. Costner on August 3, 2011 at 2:28 pm said:

    Yes Poly – that is the one. Their South Dakota Info page has a lot of useful stuff on it including the city salaries as well as state salaries and some other goodies.

    Although I have found it isn’t always 100% up to date (specifically speaking about pistol permits and home sales). I commend them for putting it all together, but they need to devote more time to it and promote it more as it isn’t always easy to find.


  11. Costner on August 3, 2011 at 2:31 pm said:

    I hit submit and think my comment disappeared into purgatory, but yes Poly that is the one. It won’t be as updated as the most recent city version, but the Argus also has other data I have found useful including state salaries, city code violations etc, etc.

    Some of it isn’t always 100% accurate such as pistol permits and home sales records, but I do commend the Argus for putting it out there. They need to promote their South Dakota info page a tad more though as I feel a lot of people don’t even know it exists unless they knew to look for it.

  12. l3wis on August 3, 2011 at 3:27 pm said:

    Poly – Thanks for the plug on the AL site, I don’t comment there anymore. Yawn.

  13. rufusx on August 3, 2011 at 4:30 pm said:

    You think having influence by taking to local officials is cool. You oughta try BEING a local official. It’s awesome!

  14. l3wis on August 3, 2011 at 8:29 pm said:

    I think being an elected official would be fun. I think a lot of politicians get to worked up about what people think of them, or at least the perception the public has of them. Huether is a good example of that. If he spent all of his energy on doing more for the city and less on trying to be everyone’s friend. He would have the city entirely repaved by now and the EC built.

  15. rufusx on August 3, 2011 at 9:48 pm said:

    Just had a good conversation with another elected official today about just that topic. Essentially – as an elected official your responsibility is NOT to make sure your constiutuents all smile when they meet you – that’s only about getting the job to begin with. Once you have the job – the task is to do the right thing – regardless of whether it makes your constituents happy to see you.

  16. Poly43 on August 3, 2011 at 10:13 pm said:

    Cos, I think the Argus site for salaries had the right idea. Was easy to use and divide in a number of ways. Problem is, as you know, that info is over 4 years old. What was presented to us in the ensuing years was at best, a complete joke, but then, I’ve come to expect as much from the Human Resources Department. The mayor scores a point on the improvement.

  17. Pop Quiz of the Day:


    ehrisman for commission.

    ehrisman for mayor.

    ehrisman for legislature.

    ehrisman for congress.

    which of these would be a) the most fun to observe; b) the most frustrating for an incumbent; or c) bring the most artistic flair and perspective to a candidate forum?

    Blogs have no influence? Pshaw!

    get the tip jars out…

  18. l3wis on August 4, 2011 at 6:24 am said:

    I think my best shot would be the legislature, though I live in a tough district (13). Mayor would be a sucky job.

  19. Have a hunch an Ehrisman-Liss race would be a lot more competitive than you think.

  20. anominous on August 4, 2011 at 11:09 am said:

    Not when Ehrisman spend all his free time endorsing Liss

  21. l3wis on August 4, 2011 at 3:08 pm said:

    Zing. Not this next time around.

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