“How much for a slice?”


After eating my lukewarm slice of pepperoni I asked for my check.


7% tax on $1.50 is $.11 NOT $.64.

Gratuity must have been figured in. I wonder if they are looking for servers?

S. L. Ehrisman (c) 8/17/11


By l3wis

10 thoughts on “The Ugly Table #52”
  1. A few other things that occurred while I was on my ‘appetizer tour’ Tuesday night. Walking into the new pizza place downtown SF is like walking off of Phillips Avenue into any North Cliff eating establishment (take that however you want to). There seemed to be a wine tasting that just ended at the place. There was a half pitcher of wine and many half bottles of wine. I ask the counter girl if I could have a taste, she told me they didn’t get their malt beverage license until Friday and I couldn’t have wine, but she would ask her manager. He also wouldn’t give me the wine. I asked if he could hint to the ones running the tasting that I was interested in trying the wine. He mumbled something in Brooklyneese and walked off. I asked for my check shortly after that since this older waitress was clearly a tweaker who was freaking me out. I made my way to Sushi Masa, which is always great, but extremely understaffed.

  2. Visited the same place. They screwed up a simple order not once but twice. As the quasi manager was busy trying to train the same numb brain how to give change. Five people working behind the counter, with only one actually doing any work which seemed part time at best.

    I bet it was the same person that figured your bill? I give the place only 3 months before the door closes.

  3. When I’ve been there a slice is $2 bucks. So 7% tax on $2.00 is $2.14. Did they tell you $1.50? Maybe it’s that for a cheese slice?

    I’ve never noticed any gratuity added on my past checks.

    Try any thing that has the andouille sausage on it. It’s hand made and tastes nothing like Dominos.

  4. Sorry, I got a cold today and I’m loosing my mind. They told you “$1.50.” for a slice so their bad.

  5. I ate at the old location one time and the price was 2 slices for $3, or one for $2. That was for cheese. I got two slices. I like the place because they have straight up garlic powder in their condiment selections. Plus, the mumbling. Though for 3 bucks you’re already close to getting the 26th street Grille half price. Unless it’s too fucking late. Enjoy.

  6. JR – You are just butt hurt that nobody likes your fave pizza shop a 1/2 block from your flat. I find it hard to believe that a stone oven pizza had cold toppings, unless it was not cooked at all. Those oven’s are like 700 or 800 degrees. The only complaint I would have about The Grille’s pizza, is that with the Napoli thin crust, re-heating them does not turn out well.

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