Is this what Huether means by being neighborly?

Notice there is no description of what is considered a bad pot-hole. Here’s the deal, unless I see rotting corpses or piles of garbage in my neighbor’s yard, I don’t feel the need to nark them off. It’s their property, and if they choose to have grass 8.25″ high, that is their business, not mine. There is such a thing as property rights. But, hey, this is SF city government, an entity that ignores the US Constitution on a regular basis.

By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Water Bill insert encourages you to turn in your neighbors”
  1. They need to act like the Stasi because with over a thousand employees and over a hundred city vehicles they are like Sergeant Schultz, “I zee nuthing, nuthing!”

  2. On my next day off I thought about riding my bike thru some of the wealthier neighborhoods and look for violations (Branches, etc.) and call them in. It is so stupid, because there isn’t a freaking block in this entire city you couldn’t find a violation.

  3. how are he roads between city hall and the mayors house. He is probably fixing the streets to his mansion out of town prior to other priorities.

  4. Probably. I take a short cut thru Pettigrew Heights on my way to work down 12th street between Minnesota and Grange, that street has been in the same condition for as long as I remember, a POS.

  5. And while we are on that topic, I have often found it comical that the intersection of 12th and Minnesota looks like it was bombed. You go from that right onto freshly paved Minnesota ave.

  6. Two things. First, as soon as I saw this insert in my latest water bill I knew I would see it posted here. If that isn’t evidence enough that you are predictable I’m not sure what is.

    Second, you need to keep in mind that the city wants people to report noxious weeds anywhere they are found… which includes city owned and commercial property. So yes they want to know about Billy Bob and his quarter acre of Leafy Spurge in the back yard, but they also want to know about the patch of Canadian Thistle growing along Skunk Creek so they can spray it before it spreads and ends up costing a lot more to get under control.

    Personally I could care less if someone has tall grass… heck tall grass is what the prairie had before we decided to ruin it- but if they don’t control their weeds and allow them to spread seed everywhere due to their laziness, then I’m a-ok with someone reporting them.

  7. And I predicted you would come on here and defend it. So who is predictable 🙂

    I get your point, but I think it is irresponsible for a city to send this to every Tom, Dick and Harry. People are not dumb, if they see a yard of pure Canadian Thistle, they will probably find a way to report it.

    What concerns me more is that the city that has crumbling infrastructure (roads, water, sewer) due to a do-nothing for infrastructure mayor and council (Munson admin) wants to start fucking with it’s residents about long grass. When they get their house in order, then they can tell me how to run mine. Otherwise they can STFU.

  8. You realize the city is capable of doing more than one thing at a time right? Do you suggest we divert the parks budget and employees towards street maintanence for the next five years and just ignore the parks and trees and weeds?

    The fact is, if we ignore weeds they become much harder and more expensive to address later. And as much as I hate to admit it, tall grass can actually become a home for mice, rats, and all sorts of other animals that don’t play well in cities. Mosquito and other insect populations bloom in those areas, so it is in the city’s best interest to get those areas under control in order to actually save money in the long run.

    A few inserts in some water bills is a lot cheaper than having to hire a few more city inspectors or animal control officers or having to run the mosquito control trucks more often etc.

  9. Aren’t you a nanny-stater? I’m not saying the city should do nothing, I just think they are being a bit hypocritical. Giving advice on how my property should look while ignoring their own.

  10. I’m not a nanny stater and there is such a thing as going to far, but the city doesn’t care if your crass is brown or if you have dead spots – they just care that you aren’t allowing chest high weeds to grow.

    If someone wants to plant six foot flowers they don’t care, because flowers don’t cause issues for neighbors when the seeds float across property lines.

    Also, I happen to know the city doesn’t really enforce that eight inch lawn rule. It has to be much taller before a person gets on their radar, and then multiple warnings are given so by the time they send in a contractor to remedy it the lawns are typically at least a foot or two tall. The exception would be if someone is a repeat offender which they aren’t quite as flexible with.

    That said – who says the city is ignoring their own property? If you find four foot weeds on city owned property and you report it, they will address it. If you report a pothole, they will fill it. If you report a bad road, they will look at it and chances are it is already on a list to be improved. They aren’t simply ignoring everything, but they can’t afford to fix a decade worth of mistakes in a year either. All things considered I’d give the city a lot of credit for the roadwork done this summer. There has been a lot of improvements made to the worst areas with other areas on the schedule over the next few years. Same goes with sewer and drainage – improvements are being made daily but it all takes time.

  11. BTW – My ‘Crass’ is red hot!

    Does your wife ever win arguments with you? Or does she just give up?

  12. 1. Yes I had a spelling error… makes you wonder about a Fruedian slip issue or whether it was merely an index finger go awry on the keyboard.

    2. What makes you think I’m married? That said, I do ‘lose’ arguments all the time… even to people on the interwebs. I’d rather consider it an educational opportunity rather than a contest though.

    3. Ok so I am probably a bit optimistic about the pothole thing. They do fill the big ones, and they try to get around to the small ones in time – however they aren’t perfect and those stupid pothole machine repairs don’t last nearly as long as a repair by three guys, two shovels, and a truck full of asphalt.

    At least there is an effort though – it isn’t like they are ignoring them and diverting money to a new vibrating bidet in City Hall. Or are they????

  13. I thought you mentioned on here once you were married?

    I will give Mike credit, there has been a better effort in repairing the streets (potholes) then during the Munson administration.

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