High School dropout? No problem, you are still qualified to make croutons.

While this is good news;

The South Dakota Retirement System ended its latest financial year with $1.6 billion more than it had a year ago, the result of robust investment earnings. That will allow a larger increase in pension payments next summer, officials said Monday.

I applaud the state for prudent investing, but the real story here is in the last sentence of this article;

Clark told lawmakers that trust funds supporting education and health care programs also grew by more than 20 percent last year.

So the trust funds grew that much, but we had to cut education by 6%? It just doesn’t add up. Investment funds are for rainy day situations, governor, it’s time to stop beating education to a pulp. Education is an investment into the future. But maybe DooGard has revealed his true intentions, dumb people work cheap;

“We’re out there just trying to promote South Dakota and the business environment we have, the positive business environment — tax structure, low regulation, high productivity workforce — it’s something we’re not afraid to tell people,” (Pat Costello) he said.

That’s because South Dakotans know they must work twice as hard (physically) to get anywhere in life due to the lack of good education programs.

Call me crazy, but I have often felt Republicans in this state have starved education for years to stay in control and to keep our workforce dumbed down. You have to pay smart people more money.

Now shut up and go make some croutons!

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “While education trust funds gain millions last year, SD Repugs continue to peddle the lie”
  1. I wonder if the residents of Dakota Dunes got the same postcard in the mail before building homes there?

  2. Careful there Lewis, you are finding “flaws” in republicans and some people don’t like repub “flaws” pointed out.

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