1. Angry Guy on September 6, 2011 at 12:10 pm said:

    Youd think the Mayer’s Orifice would have some one checking there press for content before their released.

  2. You don’t think he has a lotion allergy?

  3. A professional copywriter would have written; “This is too important a project not to cry over if it fails.”

    and; “If you would care to send the mayor tissues in lieu of voting in favor of the proposal…..”

    They would not have used “&” in the title, and would have debated long and hard over whether or not to hyphenate 40 day (40-day?).

    They would have used proper English and all – you know?

  4. Well, maybe not. This IS after al, South Dakota.l

  5. Costner on September 6, 2011 at 2:24 pm said:

    Considering all those years you worked in the print industry, I would have thought you would have picked up a few things. Such as the difference between ‘to’, ‘too’, and ‘two’.


    But on a semi-but-not-really-so-serious note, you should probably flag this type of thing as satirical in nature. Don’t you remember the lawsuit the Argus was involved in when Beck decided to write a satirical editorial without being entirely up front about it actually be satire? In fact that lawsuit might still be going on for all I know… I never did hear how it ended.

    Not that a reasonable person wouldn’t understand this isn’t satire mind you, but having some separation between the legitimate tidbits on this site from the Onion-esque tidbits may be helpful for some casual visitors.

  6. Costner – Hilarious. I was just going to respond to Ruf about satire before I read your post. I was thinking it would be hard to sue me for defamation or libel because my grammar is so bad, it would be hard to prove this was a legit press release.

    The Beck case was settled out of court, the AL paid an undisclosed settlement. Would love to know what it was, but we know that will be a mystery until the end of time.

  7. “having some separation between the legitimate tidbits on this site from the Onion-esque tidbits may be helpful for some casual visitors.”

    Are you saying the casual readers of DaCola are tooooooo thick to understand satire? I would disagree, unless of course, they are Repugs, those folks wouldn’t know satire if it ran them over at a rural intersection.

  8. And BTW, Costner, I was pretty proud of my skewed justice scales in the city seal that no one seamed to notice 🙁

  9. I mean ‘seemed’ – Gawd, I really do suck at gramer and spelin

  10. Costner on September 6, 2011 at 4:56 pm said:

    Wow… nice job on the scales, but yea nobody is going to notice the details. You could have misspelled “Sioux” and I’m guessing most people would have just skipped over it to get to the meat of the message.

    Now if I could only figure out why you continually bounce back and forth between ‘l3wis’ and ‘Detroit Lewis’ even when the messages are mere minutes apart. You’re worse than Poly / Warren.

  11. I don’t read this site for grammar and spelling!!!

    And, I think that those that do are missing the point!

  12. FYI – my comments were satirical in nature and aimed at grammar policing.

  13. Costner – Becuz wordpress knocks me out of logout on a regular basis

    So just you know, l3wis and Detroit Lewis are the same fella. BTW, I came up with a new moniker a couple of days ago, it is a twist on one of my favorite young punk coworkers. Snarkey Presto.

  14. Costner on September 7, 2011 at 8:10 am said:

    Snarkey Presto is damn catchy. I think you need to run with it.

    Either that or start a band… it would make a great band name.

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