This is what a bigot looks like
Public input at last night’s council meeting couldn’t be hotter. Mr. Hartman (sp?) wanted to know why our tax dollars were funding cross-dressing AIDS spreaders at the Pavilion (FF 12:30). Bob Kolbe wants to buy silver dollars out of the city limits, and as usual, Tim Stenga has been ‘Talkin’ to a lot of people’ about zoos and dirt track racin’
ON a side note: I knew the drag show at the Pavilion would be controversial, and after I got off the floor from laughing at Mr. Hartman’s bigoted diatribe and misconceptions about homosexuals, I found a part of me asking the same questions. Why is the Pavilion putting on drag shows? Shouldn’t the Pavilion be exposing the community to the arts? Well believe it or not, I will defend the Pavilion on this one. Drag shows may not be your cup of tea when it comes to the high arts, but it is art, and I commend them for putting on the show.
As for Hartman’s assumptions about AIDs – grow a fucking brain – seriously. My great aunt and uncle died of complications due to AIDS. My uncle contracted the virus after a blood transfusion during heart surgery, and passed it to my aunt, through, I assume, hetersexual sex. He got the virus because this was before they were testing the blood for HIV, we can thank (probably Hartman’s hero) Ronnie Reagan for that. I have said some pretty assanine things in public, but Mr. Hartman, your comments take the cake.
I know this letter is not about the subject at hand, but I thought I would link it, because it is fantastic:|newswell|text|Home|s
People forget they are entitled to their own opinions but not their own facts. Just like Mitt today in his grand plan, attributing Bush’s debt to Obama before Obama was even president.
I have often argued that AIDS became an epidemic because Reagan ignored it.
L3wis, AIDS has become an epidemic because because despite education many are too stupid to wear a condom or stop fucking. Oh btw, saying the spread of AIDS is Reagans fault is no different than the Bush Obama debt garbage except HIV/AIDS is a GLOBAL problem that can be stopped by quarantine and…you guessed it, STOP FUCKING!
Reagan was an evil genius. He let Aids increase dramatically and had the CIA import crack cocaine into the ghettos. I’m sure the right wingers were also responsible for selling “firewater” on the res and several other social problems we don’t even know about…yet.
Jim and Mitch – I get your points, and would agree, people need to keep their pants on. But it is true Reagan knew about the virus before the Feds were telling us anything. They thought it was a ‘gay’ disease so they just kinda ignored it for awhile.
I’m slightly disappointed that they allowed him time to promote his bigotry with zero comments from any of them, but perhaps they simply wanted him to go away without creating controversy.
Gotta love the old woman who spoke after him about the guy with the boat and RV on the street. I can’t defend the guy if he is leaving them on the street for weeks a time, but if she feels she will hit his boat because it is parked across from her driveway I’m suggesting she needs to hand over her drivers license and get a power scooter.
Never mind about the AIDS and cross dressers. What’s this about dirt track racin’?
Costner – Pretty sick and wrong, Huh? I will defend the guy’s right to say idiotic things in public though. And you are right about the council not reacting. Let’s talk decorum Rex Rolfing, he chews my ass for wearing a hat, yet no one had the courage to tell this guy what he was saying was wrong. Aids is spread more by heterosexuals then homosexuals. I felt sorry for Kermit that this guy would associate him self with him.
BJ – Yeah, Stenga’s idea about building a dirt track instead of an EC was hilarious.
Costner – Ever seen an old person backup?
I wonder who that guy thinks designed the clothes he was wearing?
Are you saying Tommy Bahama is gay? You just crushed middle-aged men all across the nation.
“Ever seen an old person backup?”
Sadly… yes. But if they can’t operate a vehicle in a safe manner, then they shouldn’t be operating a vehicle. That doesn’t just apply to the senior crowd… but to everyone obviously.
I just find the cast of characters who come to
bitch…err ‘voice their concerns’ at city council meetings interesting. For every legitimate complaint that deserves action, there are half a dozen that are just petty.Thankfully we have Mr. Hartman to help us understand how AIDS can be blamed upon “the gays” and their lifestyle. I bet that guy is a biology teacher because he sure knows his stuff.
I can’t wait to see who shows up on Monday to decry him.
When it comes to old people not driving if they can’t back out of a driveway without worrying about hitting a vehicle parked across the street. Apparently you have never been on some of the really narrow streets in town that should be made into one way streets, because if something is parked on both sides of the street there is barely room for two vehicles to pass. Let alone if something is parked really close on both sides of a driveway.
I always back into my garage instead of driving straight in. I think people have trouble thinking ahead.
Well Joan, we aren’t talking about a narrow street here – and we aren’t even talking about vehicles on both sides of the street. The woman complained that if her neighbor had his boat parked across the street that she is at risk of hitting it. She even went so far as to say she has a long driveway and that the length somehow makes this challenge more difficult.
If she can’t negotiate the simple concept of backing out of a driveway onto a street WITHOUT hitting something parked behind her… she simply should not be driving.
I have a neighbor who parks a car directly across from my driveway about 80 – 90% of the time. It wouldn’t matter if it was a car, truck, boat, or pile of landscaping rock… either way I can safely back up and turn into the street without hitting it.
If we don’t allow people to park across from driveways, that is about a third of the street that is unusable for parking. That isn’t realistic.
But Costner, did you see what she drives?