5 Thoughts on “Don’t spill your soda when you are driving – shit happens

  1. And what do you think the chances are that this person actually had a license and/or insurance? I’m thinkin’ prolly not

  2. I think this is actually pretty funny (laughing because it didn’t happen to ME) but I’ve spilled pop, food, etc while driving and you know there is a time when you just say fuckit and let the food or pop spill so that you DON’T have this happen….of course, NOT eating or drinking in the car would be the solution…yeah…right

  3. Daizi- I hear you. My cupholder broke years ago, and I have tried to get them fixed, with no avail. I have no ‘hump’ to put a faux drinkholder in so I go old skool and use my crotch as a drinkholder. One time I had to hit my brakes and the lid of the hot coffee between my legs popped off. I have never screamed fuck so loud in my life. I swore I saw heads turn in other cars. But like you said, I just kept going. Steaming hot coffee on my balls or Dukes of Hazard over a retaining wall? Irnonically, I don’t drink my coffee hot anymore.

  4. Ohhh Lewis…thank you so much for the great LAUGH today….yep…had the vision…the sound…the whole “shebang”!!

  5. Seriously, I only drink ice coffee now because of this.

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