Yeah, make fun, I like Tracy Chapman, but I found this song appropriate. Our First Amendment will always prevail!


6 Thoughts on “A dedication to our former city clerk Debra Owen

  1. Nice song – but my favorite from her is actually one that Mikey should listen to is “Change”

  2. Pathloss on September 15, 2011 at 9:10 am said:

    Owen was elections officer and reported on campaign finances. Huether wants her gone so he can rig the EC vote and not have his finances questioned. She wasn’t a mayor employee and Huether should not be involved. Veteran councilors voted to keep her. Sure sounds like EC contractors bribed new councilors to get rid of her. Interesting how police ran off the media from a public building. Nazi’s are winning. Heil Heuther.

  3. Snooki Palin on September 15, 2011 at 2:23 pm said:

    I’m sure she can get a good job working for Keloland or Ksfy now.

  4. I’m stunned at the smell of authoritarianism coming from yesterday’s monkeyshines at your City Hall. I thought Sioux Falls was supposed to be South Dakota’s shining beacon of progressivism; instead, Pathloss’s read of what is happening looks all too realistic. I’m sincerely concerned for you folks in the big city. Get Owen to make a public statement, and then see if a recall drive on the mayor is in order.

  5. Cory – It is out of control!

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