Looks like it was sent out at 3 PM on Tuesday. How ironic the person who was getting fired sent out the release. The copy I have was faxed to a local radio station. Ignore the notes, that is something DJ’s do to make it read better and faster.

5 Thoughts on “Press release about Owen’s termination hearing

  1. What portion was web streamed and televised live? I also heard last night that not only did the police kick out the media – they kicked out Debra’s husband David. Really? the police were for Debra’s protection? What a crock of crap that just keeps getting bigger and bigger. While a casino, convenience store, etc gets robbed every day – our police are walking the Mayor to his car. Seriously – it is completely nauseating.

  2. Trust me, while walking him to his car they would love to push him in front of a bus.

  3. Did you read this on Holsen’s blog today?

    “Some say the mayor was seen throwing a very public temper tantrum at the intersection of 26th Street and Southeastern Ave a couple weeks ago on his way home from work because of the street construction which caused a massive traffic jam. City staff were called out to the scene and looked like they were in big trouble. Rumors are another whack job on city personnel.”


    Gawd, I would have loved to see this on camera!

  4. Holson sounds like a Fox News on-air personality.

    “Some say…”

    “Rumors are…”

    Give me a break. Some people say the Mayor has a third nipple and a tattoo of Grover on his right asscheek too. I guess it must be true since some people say it.

  5. I’m sure it is true, but who knows?

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