By l3wis

5 thoughts on “Music sucks.”
  1. Not sure if I should be happy that art has inspired art or that I should be upset that Lupe is a lazy fuck?

    Which version do you like better?

    Better, yet, do you think Lupe fans know that MM did this song first?

  2. Oh what a surprise, another untalented black music “artist” has ripped off another persons successful song. The hip-hop/rap/ghetto music industry doesn’t seem capable of anything original shot of tweaking the rhythm and adding the always present “ugh” or “yeah”. I understand writting music can be difficult, but that’s why only people with talent should be doing it.

  3. I just did a search on the credits for the Lupe version, and the Modest Mouse guys are getting the credit due. They’re probably being paid more than he is, actually, as royalties always go to the outside writers before they start deducting expenses from the performer.

  4. I’m not a musician, and the funny part about it is I came across Lupe’s version last nite, and I’m like, “Another Hip-Hopper ripping off a tune.” And I sang the beginning line in my head a couple of times and figured it out. Well good for MM for making some money from it. But it is silly. I will agree AG, pretty simple catchy song.

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