28 Thoughts on “City finally puts up debt payment schedule on website

  1. Hammerhead on October 12, 2011 at 12:22 pm said:

    Wow! In 5 years, the payments are going to more than double! Of course, by this time Mike & his cronies will be long gone.

  2. Analog Tape on October 12, 2011 at 1:12 pm said:

    Thinking out loud, just one of those payments would be enough $ to start 45 small businesses in town who would likely have 3 hired workers minimum so that would be more workers than the finished product would employ at any one time. The inefficiency of this Events Center is bewildering.

    Just for grins the entire light rail system in Minneapolis cost just over twice this project yet it has brought business back to some older districts, etc.. (It cost more than twice but federal funds paid the excess so to tax payers it was about 400 million.) Much of the costs were extra shit which wasn’t needed and they admit the routes should have extended to Dakota county yet it still gets 35,000 daily users.

  3. Poly43 on October 12, 2011 at 5:26 pm said:

    I spend some time each week with senior citizens. I was with a busload the other day when a Build It Now ad came on the radio. The one with upperwardly mobile yuppies spending thousands in a shopping/events center free for all in Omaha. Then complaining why they have to spend all their thousands out of state. Caused quite a bit of commentary on that bus. NONE of it good. Call me what you will, but based on the people I relate to in daily encounters, this thing is not going to happen.

  4. cornholio on October 12, 2011 at 7:51 pm said:

    How stupid does MMM take the good people of Sioux Falls? His minions removed the 000’s from the amortization schedule? Someone needs to publicly call them out on this. More misleading “facts” from City Hall!

  5. Scumbag Steve on October 12, 2011 at 7:57 pm said:

    Anybody hear this BuildItNow radio ad yet??


    Looks like they’re simply making a get out the vote effort. They obvoiusly believe this is theirs to lose… and aren’t tyring to persuade anyone that might have an opposing view… cuz they surely ain’t gonna convince people with their “I’m sick of spending thousands of dollars in Iowa” schpeel.

  6. Scumbag Steve on October 12, 2011 at 8:00 pm said:

    Shit… didn’t see Poly’s comment/ Ya that’s the ad I linked to… it’s pretty disgusting.

  7. Sorry, but those yuppies will still be spending cash in Omaha even if the greatest EC was ever built.

  8. Scumbag Steve on October 12, 2011 at 8:36 pm said:

    This debt sched is probably the absolute BEST CASE possible… likely figured the most generous rate and the biggest payment they could. What happens when they don’t get that rate… or when tehy find out they can’t extract $9mill from the budget every year? This hole thing could EASILY baloon to over $200mill total and take longer than the 22years they figure

  9. Analog Tape on October 12, 2011 at 9:04 pm said:

    As energy costs rise just imagine what it will cost to heat that place for a circus which would only fill to 30% or so. And they have to heat the whole envelope for a convention as heat rises – Wouldn’t a convention center addition ‘only’ be best as that’s really what SF is missing out on. I do go to Omaha as I am involved in several trade shows and club conventions as a vendor but Omaha is expensive as they use subcontractors for decorating which the $ goes to St. Louis anyway.
    It’s the trade shows and conventions which really bring in outsiders. Not some redneck hillbilly concert where people load up on coors light in the parking lot. Keep that in Sioux City.

  10. The radio ad;

    “Yeah, Like, I’m from California, Like, and we don’t, like drive anywhere, to like, see, like good, entertainment, like.”


  11. Lemming on October 12, 2011 at 11:29 pm said:

    That radio spot is pathetic. Like listening to the Real Housewives of SF whining about taking their brat to Omaha to see Justin Bieber is going to influence anyone?

  12. I have seen the LATEST estimate sent to city council 2 days ago. It totals $183,000,000+. I included all the zeroes :). City web site hasn’t posted it yet. Shocking, I know.

  13. So why would they post this one online the same day they sent the $183 to the council? There is so much lying, misleading and illegal activity going on with this mess, Karma alone will kill this plan.

  14. Poly43 on October 13, 2011 at 5:18 am said:

    While the REAL housewives of Sioux Falls are spending thousands out of state we read this from the Argus.

    “The state’s largest school district has added 515 students since this time last year, but the number of students from low-income families is growing even faster. When the Sioux Falls School District’s year ended in May, 46.8 percent of its elementary students were eligible for free or reduced-price meals, up from 43.7 percent the year before.”

    Like I said before, I work a little each week with Senior Citizens. I watch how they meticulously count their change to pay for groceries that keep going up each week. They are on incomes that have been flat for years, and then listen to the Sioux Falls housewives bitch about where they have to spend their money on thousand dollar shopping sprees? That ad will in effect, in these times, drive more people to the polls that they can imagine. Build It Now has no clue about the total disconnect in which they live.

  15. I have told the mayor in an email after our podcast interview that I will have ‘No Sour Grapes’. If the voters approve this, I will respect that. But you are right Poly, this radio ad will do more to hurt their efforts then help them. If I was working for BIN I would have put on a couple of seniors talking about how their children and grandchildren would benefit from this project. BIN seems to have a disconnect when it comes to prospective voters. Most will be seniors. I love leaving SF to see shows in Omaha. I stay at the beautiful Magnolia DT, eat at nice restaurant, have a few brews at Upstream and take in a show at the Slowdown. Getting out of Sux Falls once in awhile is fun, and a mini-vacation. They act like having to leave SF to have a good time is a horrible thing. Give me a break.

  16. Go to about 39 minutes into this interview, I had to laugh, Huether goes into a rant about legacy again like he did on our podcast, calling it ‘CRAP’. He also said bloggers were attacking his family. LOL!

  17. I think that this vote will be symbolic of the tremendous “disconnect” between the “haves” and the “have nots” that has been present in our community for decades!

    I can’t wait to hear the post mortem on this election…….

  18. Wait a second…the BIN commercial actually compares SF to California??? Wow, I thought the Omaha thing is a stretch, but people don’t have to drive to events in spread-out LA?

  19. Remember….. one of the key players in BIN is Mike Sullivan, executive director of the Sioux Falls Sports Authority.

    This is the same guy who suggested to the 2009 Task Force that any events center built in SF should have 18,000 seats……..

    When I heard him say this………I thought to myself………Mike, this is not Jacksonville (BTW, a city of 850,000) it is Sioux Falls, South Dakota, “our little city on the prairie with the super-sized ego” and a population of less than 160,000 people!!!!

    Google: Mike Sullivan–KELOLAND.COM/On Good Authority January 10, 2008. This a background piece that KELO did on Mike when he was relocating to SF. It talks about his grand plans for a new events center. It also tells how the Sioux Falls Sports Authority is supported by private funds (hmmm…..I wonder how heavily Kelby, Dana, and the Knudsons are involved in this…………)

    What I also wonder is this…….

    If this vote goes down to defeat, how long will it be before Mike Sullivan packs his bags and leaves town!!??

    Maybe, he really was a “carpetbagger” after all……..

  20. Analog Tape on October 13, 2011 at 1:08 pm said:

    Wow, Huether really got upset in that Argus interview. I’m sure he reads these blogs but he should know that as a Mayor – he’s gonna get ragged on by professionals at all levels but that doesn’t mean people really in truly hate him. He really thinks we hate him. Yes, I don’t trust him and because of that I tend to research into where most don’t go..

  21. Wasn’t Dykhouse another of those who believed we needed 18,000 – 20,000 seats? And also this dream of having a USD-SDSU yearly matchup that would supposedly pack that place? As the postpunk band Suicide once sang, “Dream Baby, Dream”.

  22. Cr – If this thing fails, you will see a lot of people packing bags and leaving town.

  23. Well, Lewis, apparently every young adult will have to move to Omaha or Minneapolis because we’ll NEVER be able to get Lady Gaga (or at least until after her third album bombs and she’s playing the county fair circuit).

  24. I made an observation last night, not all seniors are against this project. I waited on a table of 5 of them last night and they were talking about it. They support it.

  25. Poly43 on October 16, 2011 at 6:55 am said:

    I made an observation last night, not all seniors are against this project. I waited on a table of 5 of them last night and they were talking about it. They support it.

    That table of five seniors prolly spent a couple hundred at your table. For every senior you find that can afford that kind of discretionary spending, I’ll find you fifty that cannot.

    There are many retirement community living centers in SF. I spend a little time with Seniors each week. Most can tell very dramatic stories of the depression and war years. With their life experiences they can smell failure a mile away. To them, this thing is a swing and a miss.

  26. I wouldn’t call them rich, but ‘set’. I got the feeling that they supported it because they wouldn’t have to worry about paying it off.

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