I will say this for the 100th time. While I am against a new Events Center, it is simply because I don’t think we need one. We can go into parking, financials, location and trade shows all we want, but let’s face it, the need is not there. If it was, every airline, restaurant and hotel franchise in the country would be lining up to expand in Sioux Falls. They are not.
The mayor wants to blame innuendo and rumor for why this thing may fail. He may be right. But who is spreading these rumors? YOU ARE! Transparency is the key to public trust. It is as simple as including three zeros on an amortization schedule. People are confused about the Events Center plan because the city refuses to present the ‘whole story’ and they read about corrections on various blogs and media outlets.
Is Mike’s EC plan perfect? Fuck no. Nothing that involves government is, but don’t sugar coat it. Tell it like it is. At the end of the day if voters approve it based on the real facts, then you have accomplished something. If you have to rely on subprime credit card marketing procedures, then you should expect false results.
I am not the only one who is worried about the election results. While I hope that the voters reject this silly plan, there is also a part of me that hopes this passes, so we don’t have another 12 months of this bullshit.
I’m also not naive. If this fails, heads will roll. Not just in city government, but in the private sector. I have always been confident that the 1st Amendment will prevail, and so far it has never disappointed me. Trust me, I have struggled with taking a position lately on the Events Center. Friends of mine have been threatened and I have been warned personally of the consequences.
“Any intelligent fool can make things bigger and more complex… It takes a touch of genius – and a lot of courage to move in the opposite direction.” – Albert Einstein
I received a donation yesterday to South DaCola. And I have much gratitude for this contribution. I don’t do this for money, or fame, or to meet hottie reporters from KDLT (Even though that is a bonus!) I do this because I have watched the powerful my whole life trample the dreams and ideas of Joe Sixpack, and I just can’t simply stand by and allow it.
Vote NO to the Events Center, and maybe we can let truth and accountability prevail before the next vote.
Do you mean you have been warned of you vote no, or if you endorse a no vote on this site?
Scott – you have a good ear. When I watched the Argus interview at the point where he used that term “Innuendo and Rumor” I sort of both laughed and cried at the same time.
Not sure how to explain this but I get the feeling that is an act and he feeds off of the “Innuendo and Rumor”. That is his Legacy.
I get much more entertainment out of having MMM as Mayor than any Event Center could ever do.. Our job is to keep him on edge which makes for more good interviews and Innuendo and Rumor!!
No direct threats, but I have been warned by friends that ANY person or group that is publicly vocal about stopping this project could suffer repercussions.
Careful they’ll be out front of your house making sure any trees are the appropriate height above the sidewalk and street, and they’ll be making sure there are no major cracks in your sidewalk.
I don’t comment on this or other blogs very often. I did leave a comment on an argus EC piece. The dude I disagreed with felt compelled to send me a separate e-mail that if it wasn’t threatening, it a least made me uncomfortable. The implied message was I better watch out. I wouldn’t have thought much of it if came in the form of a reply and not a separate message. That’s a little psycho. The pro side wants everybody to shut up and swallow. It’s as if they take opposition personally. I want an EC. But I’m voting no cause I don’t like the site, the financing and how Mike has played this. To the yes people: If the plan is so good, you should be able draw swing votes and carry the day. But please don’t chase me down with torches and pitchforks simply for not stepping in line with you.
Have any “big names” like Ann Hyak been threatened?
I will vote no and I vocally encourage others to vote no. If anyone has a problem with that you can meet me behind the water tower and we can ‘ehem’ talk.
I already voted “no.” I knew I was going from the get-go.
Brom – I have never been emailed or called before with a threat, but I told a friend the other day, if anyone called me and threatened me I would reply “Bring it fucking on!”
Back before the internet took a grip I had a LTE printed. Concerned my support of unions, and in particular the striking Morrell workers. With my signature in that LTE and a landline with my name in the phone book….well let’s just say it led to a couple of not so entertaining late night phone calls.
Did some door to door hangers today with Bob Barclay, Ran into a woman at a garage sale at 33rd and Costello who voted no already. She expressed at one of the “Build It” propaganda shows she asked , “If in the past this has been overwhelmingly shot down and lacking support of corporations and citizens, why are you pushing this again? Doesn’t it matter to you that people don’t want to fund this?” Their answer, “We don’t care about that.” She was clear that it was a meeting where Huether was not present so someone else is really lacking tact on this.
I heard the justin beaver commercial today. I am voting no to keep him out of Sioux Falls.
Does anybody have a captured vid of any of these commercials?
~Does anyone have information on all buildings the citizens of Sioux Falls have to subsidize???
~Is the dome in Fargo ND & event center in Sioux City IA subsidized???
~What are it’s operating costs???
~How many jobs were promised when building it compared to how many jobs it has actually provided???
As for the build it down town folks, I wonder why they didn’t push for building the sucker in place of John Morrell? By info presented in that AL article it would seem that place will have to be shut down soon anyway with all the pollution and drugs entering the water supply. That place is much more offensive than people smoking cigarettes in a bowling alley – what the hells a matter with people anyway?
AT – I have said in the past, that would be a perfect location.
Sharla – The list is long and hard, but you have to realize, many of those facilities are funded by the entertainment tax. The principal and interest of the bond for the EC would come out of the 2nd penny. The operational costs would come out of profits and donations. But what if we have to subsidize it? No one knows.
Don’t forget – that 2nd penny was sold to the public as funding for maintaining the streets. Like every new tax, though, it quickly was turned into a source for pet projects and general funding.
Some old fart tonight brought that up in public testimony tonight.
I’ve yet to meet someone who’s voting for the EC. The vote will be a disaster for Huethers ego. Lots of hand signals and whisk chop rants for awhile. Lawsuits have left through city inert. If they do not allow appeals, they can’t appeal into court either. They have no lien authority so citations are a joke. Paying them is an admission of guilt so collect them for a mass burning demonstration. Watch out for SFPD. Theyre known for blasting 70 shots into residential areas missing an unarmed citizen with no criminal record.