I voted today because the precints and super precints in Sioux Falls are such a f’ing mess I prefer to absentee vote.

How I voted:




Constitutional Amend G: No

Constitutional Amend H: No

Constitutional Amend I: Yes

Constitutional Amend J: No

Initiated Measure 9: Yes

Initiated Measure 10: Yes

Initiated Measure 11: No

(I left out the local races – but I did vote for one Republican; secrets, secrets)

2 Thoughts on “Absentee voting has begun

  1. poliglut on October 4, 2008 at 7:26 am said:

    Friend, you and I are really close on the candidates and issues. But I am dismayed to see that you suckered for IM 10. This piece of sh*t has been floating on the scum of paid signature collectors using money from some REALLY SCARY people from NY who want only to bust unions and any other form of collective bargaining. They have the same crap on the ballot in other states under different umbrellas. They only used “Open & Clean” in SD because they discovered it resonated.

    PLEASE, PLEASE READ THIS JUNK and help keep others from making the same innocent mistake. If it passes, I guarantee that YOU may end up breaking the law without knowing it because it pertains also to families and extended families. If you are related to someone who gets a govt check: teacher, firefighter, janitor, etc., your blog is DEAD.

  2. Does this legislation have problems? Yes
    Do I think it will pass? No

    As for the mantra about the 1st amendment, donations to family members, blah, blah, blah. That is not true. I read the legislation over and over before I made the decision. It clearly states ‘Knowingly’ expect something in return. This is the biggest lie being spread about it.

    First off I don’t agree politically with the people who are promoting this. They are extremist idealogues that make me sick to my stomach. I loathe neo-cons and BTW, I think they are garbage. Why? Because they are always looking backwards instead of forward and they wipe their asses with the rights of regular American citizens like myself.

    I’m sure their reasons for passing this is to breakup unions, etc. etc. I see it as a way of taking lobbyist and special interest money out of campaigns – this is a good thing. I would have prefered they supported a measure to publicly fund SD elections, but hey, one can only dream.

    The reason I like IM10, because it’s kinda of a fairytale. If it passes, it will have so many court challenges I think it will set precedence, that’s why I support it.

    Let the US Constitution sort it out in the courts, sometimes thats not a bad thing.

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