Not sure, but I am guessing by the nature of the secrecy it is about the ethics complaint against the mayor. We know how this will go down in executive session.

Funny that the mayor isn’t holding a press conference to announce this meeting?

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “Ethics Board meets tomorrow to talk about . . . ?”
  1. could it have something to do withwhat Debra Owen spoke on after her firing? She said there were some other issues with other city employees that needed to be resolved before she spoke publ;icly about it.


  2. I think they are going to try to sweep this under the rug as fast as possible before the vote. We know how this will go down. One of Huether’s ethics board appointee’s is a former co-worker with First Premier. And guess who advises the group? The city attorney, David Fiddle-Faddle. I would love to be there, but I gotta work. I told Dunsmoor at KELO they needed to have cameras there.

  3. We definitely need some sort of record of what goes on there tonight. Can’t wait to hear what it is.

  4. This thing will go down in a ball of flames… but there better be someone ready to file someothin with the state as soon as that hapens… or right after the vote. This thing is an obvious abuse of office… and Barclay should be able to have city workers dial up some powepoint slideshows, run off thousands of flyers, and have access to city email lists out of fairness.

  5. I guess the whole thing was behind closed doors and no one is talking, from either side. So much transparency I can hardly stand it.

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