Geeez, you gotta know something is a bad idea when even in an endorsement they point out all the problems with the plan;

It’s the wrong location. It’s too expensive. It’ll never pay for itself. Times are too uncertain. The mayor’s shoving it down our throats. The council’s not really behind it. It’s too big. It’s too small.

It is the wrong location. While I favored DT, we know how the public feels about it. Build it anywhere BUT the Arena location. There hasn’t been significant development in that area for years, and there won’t be. Parking will be a mess when multiple events are going on and there is no room for expansion or a second onsite hotel.
It is too expensive. We were promised this would cost under $100 million and $25 million of that would be paid for by private sponsorship. There is no signed commitments as of last week, and no down payment. 22 years of interest and principle payments is ludicrous.
It won’t pay for itself. Every entertainment facility in this city is subsidized and the EC will be no different. Facilities like this are not setup to be profitable. Stop believing that lie. We have a proven track record in Sioux Falls that we always subsidize these facilities. Where will that money come from? Good question. With no signed commitments your guess is as good as mine.
Times are uncertain. The recession is not over, and may never be for years to come. People are struggling. This is blatantly obvious.
The mayor is shoving it down our throats and probably breaking state law by doing so. How many CONS have you heard from him and his administration? ZERO. But they are abundant. State law is clear, if you are using taxpayer money to do presentations you MUST show both sides.
Some councilors are not behind it. Heck, they even held a press conference to tell the public to vote no.

It is too big, when you consider the Arena never fills up for events. And it is too small when you consider NCAA touneys and other similiar events will never come here because they require 16,000 seats. Pheasants Forever will never come either.

I would like to thank the AL for pointing out why voting NO is a good idea.

By l3wis

5 thoughts on “The Argue Endorser’s endorsement of the EC points out all the reasons people are voting against it”
  1. The classic ‘Kiss of Death’. I still think it is funny how they point all the reasons you should be against it first. Good stuff.

  2. I imagine if the Event Center were some half ass balsa wood structure they would endorse it.
    Why would I say that??
    All their reasoning is focused on the stamina of having the EC and no information on the lack of shows, poor design, lack of parking space, marginal and inefficient convention hall expansion design, unattractive facade, no private support, no parking garage or money for that, out dated hotels in the area, red neck part of town, and if you ask around the only people who want it can’t give you a clear reason why (unless it’s “Shhh.. I will make a lot of money off this deal. Shut up, I need this to pass)..

  3. “if you ask around the only people who want it can’t give you a clear reason why”

    Uh, because the Arena sucks!

    That is the only one I have heard.

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