Bob Barclay will be speaking at these events over the next week;
• Tuesday Nov. 1, Chad Mckenzie on KSOO  (AM 1140) At 6 :50 AM
• Wednesday Nov 2, SD Public  Radio (FM 90.1) Conversation with Huether & Barclay from 12-12:45
• Thursday Nov. 3, On KSFY 10:00 PM Newscast
• Thursday Nov. 3,  7:00 PM meeting  TBA
• Sunday Nov. 6, Inside KELOLAND at noon or after KELOLAND News at 10 for an hour-long Special Election edition of inside KELOLAND. (planned guests; Huether, Turbak, Jamison & Barclay)

By l3wis

19 thoughts on “Events Center Opposition Itinerary”
  1. Just think of the stress this must be on Bob. I’ll put up $50 in a chip in for a thank you dinner when this is all over. He’s the real hero going out of his way to make all these appointments, being called out wrongly, etc.. He’s doing what everyone should be doing.

  2. I will give him credit, he really is the only one putting his neck out there. Though I still believe the undecided are a small percentage.

    Did you see this on Holsen’s blog;

    Vernon Brown posted this message on Facebook:

    “I just received a call on behalf of Build It Now asking for my support. She emphasized no new taxes, no raised taxes.
    -I asked her if Sioux Falls could raise taxes. She didn’t know.
    -I asked her the cost of construction. She didn’t know.
    -I asked her how much the city had to borrow to do the project. She didn’t know.
    -I asked her what the projected interest rate might be. She didn’t know.
    -Finally, I asked her what the annual debt service might be. She didn’t know. ”

    While none of this surprises me, especially the half-assery marketing we have seen from BIN with ads, I crack up when the mayor accuses the opponents of spreading ‘rumors’. This kind of poor marketing should disappoint the mayor even more. How hard would it be to put a few facts in front of these callers?

  3. I just listened to the KSOO interview. I think Chad’s Pom-Poms just about exploded out of my radio speakers. He was also trying to twist what Bob was saying. Bob was very clear about having private ‘investment’ not ‘ownership’ involved and Chad tried to make it sound like Bob wanted it to be built privately.

    Bob also brought up the $1 million per job scenario, in which there was a bunch of dead air from Chad.

  4. Someone pointed out to me that on Kelo AM yesterday morning, Entenman stated that SF will become a “second class city” if we do not build the EC. Well – I am glad that “second class city” has made him a rich man. Who the hell does he think he is? He can stick it as far as I am concerned. The fate of this city does not rise and fall because of the EC. With the proper plan, location, and funding – it can become an ASSET. As Bob said, people are what make this city great – and Entenman – through this process – is off that list and Dean K is right behind him.

  5. Entenman is sitting back with a grin on his face as I think much of the EC lies and catalyst for this came from him. He’s content because Huether is their fall guy.
    A friend of mine told me Entenman’s shop (no not the fruitcake company but the Harley shop) charges $300 for one oil change!
    I think his business has done more to get people to play “tough guy” to act, play and pretend they are the second class so what’s he complaining about? I’m sure people who buy from there end up having to rely on meals from a tin can. No different than a casino owner.

  6. I haven’t heard about the $300 oil change, but I have heard service is very expensive and slow. But if you own a HD in Sioux Falls and don’t know how to work on it, where else you gonna go? Sure you could try to track down an enthusiast but for the most part, J & L has a monopoly. I know a few years back when Easyriders tried to open in SF there was some pretty serious opposition from J & L.

  7. As much as I dislike the man, I can’t really bitch about him protecting his franchise rights. I’m sure he spent a ton of money to have the rights to this area, so it’s only natural that he’d go against anybody who would want to infringe on that. It’s no different than Billions having exclusivity to their auto brands.

  8. I’d wager if there was an opportunity to open a shop in Easyrider’s back yard Entenman wouldn’t hesitate. He and his pal Huether are the classic, narcisistic “obey the rules, but don’t ask me to” types.

    The question remains what deal was cut between these two? I’m guessing JE and his neighbor Correa are hatching a hotel/bar/restaurant scheme at the corner of Madison and Western. Huether was asked about this at the end of his Stu Whitney love-fest and all he could say was “there will be an announcement about that in the future”. Wonder why they wouldn’t want voters to know about that?

    Follow the money!

  9. As I understand the Easyriders deal (and deets are murky) It was a couple of local investors, they put up as much money as they could then went looking for bank loans and that is where they hit a roadblock. They were going to be in that strip mall where Magic Castle used to be, they even has a sign up. Easyriders is a major competitor to HD dealerships, mainly because they sell used HDs and provide (affordable) service. I’m sure this scared the shit out of JE. I’m not sure about the restaurant, it could be likely.

  10. Yeah, they are pretty much HD’s main competitor when it comes to used motorcycles and service.

  11. How about a flash mob at Carnegie Hall 7 to 9 pm Monday November 7th. Maybe ‘take back city hall’ petition drive.

  12. I think the Occupy Sioux Falls group, should protest in front of the Mayor’s office and outside any council meetings before the election.

  13. Kinda off topic, but I ran into George McGovern last night dining at Parkers (I had the Veal Chop and Peach cheescake _ OMG!) Anyway, he was eating fish 🙂 I have never been introduced to him but have seen him around town. He was moving a little slow, but looked good. I went over to his table to tell him that I was glad to see him out and doing well. He introduced me to his daughter and I introduced myself. Not sure if he knows who I am or not, but I do know he follows politics very closely, so there is a chance. As I was about to walk away, because I didn’t want to bother him, he went into a mini-rant about the public’s mistrust of the Federal government and how ridiculous it was. I agreed. While I think the Feds can fuck up a wet dream (think CORPS and flooding) I think he was referring to Social Security, Medicare and other social programs, in which I agree with him. There are some things government just has to do.

  14. Met him once as well, very distinguished and professional gentleman. Don’t agree with 90% of his political positions, but the guy was a true hero and his level of service is virtually unmatched, especially these days.

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