By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Finally a press conference under appropriate signage!”
  1. This is too funny………….

    The only thing missing is Lloyd and Hegg……….

    Kendra may be getting an “earful” about this one this morning…………

  2. I cropped them out of the picture, they are private citizens and I didn’t want them to cause a stink about it.

  3. I was thinking KELO may be the ones in trouble over this one. I wonder if the video will be ‘cropped’.

  4. The $1 million (or multimillion $) question to those clowns would’ve been:

    “How can you take credit for and incentivise downtown development when you decide to locate the largest project the City has ever considered at the Arena?..Doesn’t that send a mixed message to the private sector?”

  5. I like how they take a 3 minute subject and “Pump” it up to 14 minutes. Now is this hotel going over the water like the garage (some call it a ramp??”)?

    What?? This is a Public Private partnership?? Another project where the public gets screwed as these always have hidden commitments which cost the public when they fail or loose money. Another drain on the economy.

    Yes – Analog Tape is now Analog Kid.

  6. I am glad you caught this. I saw this on the news the other night and had a good private chuckle to myself.

    “They say a picture speaks a thousands words …” and some are actually literal.

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