Everytime I see this billboard I just imagine Shawn Cable on it instead of Chris Lien. It reminds me of an advertisement for a Sports Radio station or something. Republicans and creative marketing DO NOT go hand in hand.

By l3wis

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4 thoughts on “Is Chris Lien starting a new TV station?”
  1. Those billboards sure are different. Not at all what I’d expect from a typical political campaign. Which is fine by me.

  2. Yeah, but not sure if they play well with the conservative/moderate SD crowd. Also, I am confused by his message. I don’t think we hear much out of Stephanie unless it is an election year. I know she keeps busy, she rarely misses votes, I guess I just don’t see Lien as offering much of a change.

  3. I’m still waiting for a political ad that isn’t just a giant cliche. None of them are creative.

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