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My co-host on Rant-A-Bit writes an informative column about the need of an Events Center. Jen Holsen also chimes in with an article about the current economic status of our state, city and nation.

I however will be writing about our past adventures in taxpayer subsidized ‘quality of life’ projects in our community. While it is easy to look at Mayor Huether and his administration as a different beast, we still cannot help to remember the past and the cost overruns in our city on past projects;

• The Pavilion was supposed to cost $19-21 million. It has cost taxpayer’s over $40 million and that does not include operating subsidies.

• Phillips to the Falls, which has not been developed yet, was supposed to cost $1.5 million, that cost doubled in the middle of the night to $3 million by a secret contract signing by former Mayor Munson.

• Lewis and Clark has cost SF taxpayer’s $80 million so far with the bonding of $70 million and no tentative schedule of when we will be using this pipeline, now that the Feds are bailing on us (again).

• The River Greenway project was supposed to cost $5 million, and now will probably exceed $8 million when finished.

Do you detect a pattern here? The city is infamous for cost overruns. Who do you think will pay for these overruns? Santa Claus? I will applaud the city on one aspect of the EC plan, they hired a risk manager, smart move, but that doesn’t prevent overruns and new projects that have to be added to the EC to make it’s completion final.

The Lewis and Clark project sticks out like a sore thumb though. The city was so reckless to bond $70 million for a project that had no guarantees (and still doesn’t) yet they want us to trust them on bonding for $125 million? And don’t forget the city debt is hovering at $280 million right now, that would put us over $400 million in debt (something the BIN people don’t bring up in their ads).

Do I have a problem with bonding? Nope. But at least 30-40% of this project should be paid for up front from reserves and private investment.

We have a bad track record when it comes to cost overruns and bonding, how can we trust the city this time around?

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “We have a bad track record when it comes to cost overruns and bonding.”
  1. Could you imagine how shitty Entenman would feel if Build it Downtown had their Victory and a new center would be in line downtown with naming rights from no other but Victory Motorcycles!!

  2. Actually Moto-Guzzi is really stepping up to the plate in quality and customer satisfaction.. Some say they are better than BMW now. But yes, I would prefer those two but Victory because it is more likely to reach into J&L’s pockets and they use SD for their distribution anyway..

  3. From experience, never trust the city. Huether’s oath was to ‘protect and defend the constitution’. His first words were a lie when state supreme court ruled the city violated all aspects of the SD civil procedures act and 2 amendments of the US Constitution. You can tell when he’s lying, he has his mouth open.

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