I hope the mayor takes heed of this poll if the EC fails, he still has a high approval rating;

Mayor Huether Receives 62 Percent Approval Among Sioux Falls Voters, While 48 Percent See Sioux Falls Going in Right Direction

62 percent of Sioux Falls voters approve of the job of Mayor Mike Huether, according to the Nielson Brothers Polling (NBP) October 26-27 survey. In the poll of likely Sioux Falls municipal voters, 21 percent say they “strongly approve,” and 41 percent “somewhat approve” of the mayor’s performance. On the other hand, 21 percent say they “somewhat disapprove” and 16 percent “strongly disapprove.” The 62 percent is a 7 percent drop in approval from a May NBP survey of registered Sioux Falls voters and appears to reflect a change in intensity of opinion. Respondents who “somewhat approve” drop by 10 percent, compared with a 3 percent rise in “strongly approve” responses, and a 6 percent rise for “strongly disapprove.”


By l3wis

30 thoughts on “If the EC fails it won’t be because of negative feelings about the mayor”
  1. These polls are a bunch of crap. Anybody can cook some numbers and get paid for it. What’s good about the EC vote is it’s attracting many new voters. People who never cared. When Huether’s corruption and dictator form of government are exposed, part time citizens will again come to the polls and run this guy out of town.

  2. What is going to be interesting to watch………….

    will these newly registered voters stay engaged after the EC vote (win or lose)………

    There are important votes coming up in 2012 at the local, state and national level……

    Are they in it for the long term (I hope so) or was it just all about the EC vote!!??

  3. cr – here’s your answer (taken from a post on MMM’s Facebook page):
    John Reck
    Great points on the radio this morning mayor! I know where my vote is goin, I havent voted since I registered when I was 18, I feel this is very important! Keep up the great work!

  4. Polls are done with landlines. Im guessing 90% of the 63% are seniors who are “minnesota nice” who dont have bad things to say. most people under 60 don’t have landlines anymore.

    Plus I heard statistics are wrong 80% of the time. THat came from a Nielson poll also

  5. Draft TIM STANGA for city council!

    Thank you, Tim, for speaking for the people tonight. You weren’t wearing a dark suit and the Mayor didn’t call you by first name like “Dr. Dave” (anyone else catch that?) – but you did us proud, Tim!

  6. The YES supporters wore suits and read a script.

    The NO supporters wore blue jeans and spoke from the heart.

  7. Video: http://docs.siouxfalls.org/sirepub/mtgviewer.aspx?meetid=1592&doctype=AGENDA

    I liked how CEO of Sanford, Dr. O’Brien said we needed to build the EC so the 50 doctors they hire each year have a place they can entertain themselves. So now they are not only screwing us healthcare costs, we also must publicly subsidize their entertainment?

    I about fell out of my chair when he said that. How much more could you be out of touch with this working class community?

  8. My question is who will entertain them as the EC will either be empty most the time or will never be completed when the city has to make the choice of plowing the streets.
    Maybe a cheap adult entertainment center would tickle their fancy a little better.

  9. Analog,
    We already have Studio One, Annabelle’s and Olivia’s for cheap adult entertainment.

  10. Unlike le3wis Imnot hedging my bets… this thing wins 58-42… just like I said two weeks ago… the ‘no’ was waaaay too little waaaay too late. This wins on the ‘build it’s’ political machine getting out the vote…le3wis didn’t you predict a Staggers win too??? howd that turn oout??? I think thisll be the same… except a couple points more convincing….. i just dont think the ‘no’ has enough to get out 18000+ votes…and I think many downtown people vote yes in a panic… since they want it but will be convinced this is the only shot… ‘no’ only gets 16000… not enough… Black Eyed Peas open the thing with the first show… we all die a little inside.

  11. I was voter 111 at 8:00 a.m. at Lynwood Wesleyan, which is in keeping with a strong turnout. No will carry the day 53-47.

  12. Sioux Falls is a “polarized city” of “have’s” and “have-nots.”

    I have always thought that the events center would reflect this.

    I have never wavered in my belief that this goes down to defeat.

    What I am wondering is…………

    will “Mike and Team” be gracious in defeat!!??

  13. No prediction from me – my gut says fail – just know too many people who are sick of this. But I can see it passing as those who normally don’t vote are mesmerized by BIN and the something for nothing syndrome.

    Although insignificant to the vote – post in the Facebook Build it McNow your thoughts and they’re reading them as any common sense posts are being deleted almost immediately.

  14. “Something for nothing syndrome” – that’s a great name for it. It’s basically defined everything we’ve done as a nation for the last 60 years or so. Even as the bill is coming due in the form of the Great Recession, we just can’t hold off on adding just a little more to the credit card.

  15. How many votes did Kermit get?? 13000?? That guy was the face of the ‘no’ voter….theres zero chance another 5-9000 people lump themselves into that pile.

  16. Good thing about the new center is that we’ll be able to curtain off 3/4ths of it for that Blackeyed Peas show.

  17. Went to a live WCW Monday Nitro at the Arena in the Hogan, Wolfpack, Goldberg, Savage, Dennis Rodman era. It was hilarious watching them try to work “backstage angles” when there was no “backstage” area to work with.

    Best angle was when Goldberg got nailed with a grain scoop. Welcome to SD, Bill! I guess a new EC will have plenty of “backstage area” for $180m.

    Come to think of it, The Huether’s remind me of The McMahon’s (wonder if MMM made Cotter & Turbak join the “Kiss My Ass Club”?). Maybe I’ll start referring to MMM as “Vince” from now on.

  18. I have attended several pro-wrestling events at the Arena, always a good laugh.

    When is Beer Jew going to chime in about our experience?

  19. The Huether’s!! LOL!! I suppose a tennis facility and a growing tennis empire is close nough to Vince trying to get Linda into office.

  20. My favorite Raw at the Arena story is when announcer Scott Hudson was attacked in the ring. I had family members from all over the country convinced it was me. That same night, the NWO (Hogan, etc.) crouched down next to our 3rd row seats to prepare for their concluding “surprise” run-in that culminated in somebody being smashed through the announcer’s table that was right in front of us. Good times.

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