(Image; KELO-TV screenshot)

Leave it to STORMLAND TV to cheerlead for spending millions on an entertainment center we don’t need but poo-poo something that would benefit all citizens;

If support here were measured in snowfall, there would be a mountain to move. Snow gates may not mean the end of their driveway woes, but more than a hundred people here think they’re a good start.

Okay, so 100 people showed up (see image above) but Stormy Bartnik could only find one single person to interview in support, then features an opponent who is opposed to snowgates because life should be as hard for everyone else as it was for him when he was four years-old?

“I grew up here since I was four years-old, and we’ve moved our own snow all the time,” Jeffcoat said.

Well good for you! Go get ’em Tiger! This is something that would benefit ALL residents, unlike an Events Center. I say full steam ahead! A South DaCola foot soldier made this comment to me tonight about the meeting attendence;

I just got back from the “Snow Gate” meeting with Galen Huber. Standing Room Only! I told Galen he had more people show up for the snow gates than Mike ever got for his EC Roadshow.

Tells you what the working man’s priorities are? Huh?

3 Thoughts on “STORMLAND TV could find only one person in a crowd of 100 to talk in support of snowgates?

  1. I attended the “snow gate” meeting.

    It was “standing room only” and lots of applause for “snow gates” with a few (a VERY FEW) speaking in opposition.

    I found it interesting that our eight Councilors were evident all over our community when the EC was being publicly discussed, BUT not a one of them bothered to show up for the “hot topic” of snow gates!!!

    Galen Huber did a good job handling the meeting……

    Although I do believe that Mike and his team are ultimately going to try to “kill” the idea of snow gates for the entire city.

    This is truly a “QUALITY OF LIFE” issue that will have a positive impact on many more SF citizens than the EC will ever have!!

    In the end, it will be the eight members of the Council who will make the decision on snow gates. I would encourage all who are interested in this “QUALITY OF LIFE” issue to begin to contact the Council AND the Mayor now and continue talking to others about this until next spring when the vote will most likely occur. (after Galen Huber’s final report)

    Of course, if that fails, there’s always the possibility of a petition drive to take it to a public vote!!!! And by the looks of the turnout last nite, I would say that it would not be too difficult to collect the necessary signatures!

  2. Andy Traub on November 18, 2011 at 8:57 am said:

    I was there too. Overwhelming support for the gates. Reporter didn’t pull very many people out and there were well over 100. Closer to 150 I would say. Lazy reporting IMO. I WILL be fighting for this publicly. -Anonymous Traub

  3. Typical one-sided story by Stormy Bartnik. Before the EC vote, every story he did was one-sided, pro-EC. And in TV it is so easy to throw together a 2 minute story that is pro-anything. A friend of mine suggested that the EC ballot read;

    Events Center OR Snowgates? Pick only ONE.

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