The mayor starts off his presentation about being neighborly and how it is okay to ‘tattle-tale’ on your neighbor about their lawn. Uh, okay. I guess being neighborly to me would be to help your neighbor when they need help not turn them into the FAUX code enforcement police (who have ZERO constitutional authority to do anything).

Otherwise the video was pretty good with questions and such.

9 Thoughts on “Neighborhood Summit: It’s okay to tattle-tale on your neighbors

  1. Pathloss on November 23, 2011 at 11:27 am said:

    ‘FAUX code enforcement’ is good terminology. When the city speaks, find something to do on your smart phone. They can’t force action or collect a fine because there’s no appeal into court (you or they). I doubt they can court a brokerage to sell their junk bonds because code 2-66 doesn’t allow court action in case of default.

  2. Pathloss on November 23, 2011 at 11:30 am said:

    Watch Mikey wrap himself in the flag and change 2-66 to “either party can appeal into circuit court” like it once read. He can’t get his contractor kickbacks if he can’t float junk bonds for the events center.

  3. I find it completely hilarious that the city thinks they are so big and bad on code enforcement yet they have been handed their asses time and time again by the courts on this issue. They have NO constitutional authority, only quoting city ordinance. BAHAHAHAHA! Me and IL had a good laugh about that the other day when they told him he couldn’t talk about the ethics complaint. I said, “So the city attorney thinks that city ordinance trumps the first amendment?” I said some other stuff, that I won’t print, but what a bunch of fools.

  4. Pathloss on November 23, 2011 at 11:38 am said:

    Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Don’t listen to this turkey.

  5. I will defend Mike on one thing, I don’t think he is getting any ‘financial’ kickbacks from the EC. He already made his millions bilking dumb poor folk into getting a subprime CC. I do however believe he is trying to build a political nest egg of sorts.

  6. Curious MM on November 23, 2011 at 4:33 pm said:

    Why don’t you consider running for city council? I think this blog is as inciteful as anything about SF city politics. I think we need a draft movement!!!!

  7. Go for it, but I am not naive, I don’t have a chance in Hell. The seat Vern leaves open will be an interesting race. There has been talk of many people running for that seat, including Knobe and Staggers. The other races could be interesting also. I would love to blog about all the speculation, but their are some candidates I like and I will honor their wishes and not say anything. I will say this though, Karsky is toast.

  8. Let’s hope that a strong candidate from the NW District comes forward to run against Karsky……

    When it comes to matters of OUR city government, I think Dean Karsky reports directly to Evan Nolte, head of the Chamber………..

  9. Not sure who he reports to, I have been of the opinion he carries around a Magic 8-Ball, because the industry he is in is based on speculation, rumor, and fear, what better a device to give you advice? Either way, I have heard of a bevy of people that want to run against him, and he will get his ass handed to him. There is a reason he was never elected.

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