
I’ll make this quick.

• South DaCola is planning some reconstruction over the winter. New look and other fun stuff. Stay tuned.

• Our next Rant-A-Bit podcast will be recorded on December 6th. Scott and I have no planned guests, but if you would like to join us, drop us a line, we may be able to work something out. Pre-warning. Vodka and cussing (may) be involved.

• I have a meeting scheduled with Mayor Huether at his office on December 13th to chew the fat. I plan to give minutes of the meeting on South DaCola.

• Not sure if you saw this tidbit at Monday’s SF city council’s informational meeting, but they have been discussing moving the city council meetings to Tuesdays. I like the idea, and I think the change WILL happen.

By l3wis

2 thoughts on “Odds and Ends”
  1. Keep up the good work. I check here often to get the real story about city hall and enjoy the local entertainment sidelines. If channel 16 would adopt this format, I’d not mind paying for it.

  2. Maybe I should change DaCola into a media source 🙂 of course then I would probably start losing money 🙁

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