Thune labels Romney as a ‘job creator’

Protesters interrupted a Mitt Romney campaign stop outside Des Moines, Iowa last night, chanting that the former Massachusetts governor is “of the corporate one percent” and admonishing him to “stop the war on the poor.” The protestors were quickly shouted down by Romney supporters.

ThinkProgress spoke with Sen. John Thune (R-SD), a prominent Romney endorser, after the event to get his take on the dust-up. Thune disagreed with the protesters, saying there is “no” merit to the idea that Romney, whose net worth is estimated at $250 million, is part of the corporate 1 percent.

KEYES: Do you think there is any merit, they’re charging that he’s of the corporate 1 percent?

THUNE: No. I think that this is somebody, if I’m somebody in this country who is worried about my job or is looking for a job, I want somebody out there who knows how to create jobs. […] Obviously tonight these are people who are going to protest, that’s fine. That’s a democracy, we welcome that. I thought he handled it well.

KEYES: The charges are off-base though?

THUNE: They are. I think it’s all what you’d expect from a campaign like this. The other side’s got their people out there. I’m very happy with where his campaign is, with how he’s addressing the issues, and what I think he can do to get people back to work.

A good Christian teaming up with a Morman; Trouble every time.


By l3wis

15 thoughts on “Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag is really in a state of denial when it comes to his endorsement of Romney”
  1. He is probably thinking damn, why didn’t I get in this race. LOL
    How many millions is Thune worth after being in congress, a lobbyist and now a senator?

  2. If Romney picks Thune for his VP, Romney will have to
    introduce him to “Morman protective underware” to help
    Thune ward off the toughness of such questioning.

  3. Perhaps it is a matter of interpretation. Romney is a wealthy man no doubt, but is that money personal wealth or does he still own portions of corporations? If it is just personal wealth, then it is safe to say he isn’t a part of the corporate 1% any longer, but he is a member of the 1% in terms of personal wealth.

    Therefore, if asked if he is a member of the corporate 1% he could probably answer no. If asked if he was a member of the 1% then the answer should be yes, but when they are specifically trying to tie him into the corporate side of things it might not hold up depending upon how you interpret things.

    Politicians like to spin words – does this shock anyone? It is much like trying to define what the term “is” means.

    That said, do these people know that Obama is also a member of the 1%? Romney has more wealth than Obama… but they are both rich men and will only become richer.

  4. Romney is 1%…Kerry is 1%….Kennedy….was..1% must be somthing in the water in Massachusetts.

  5. The difference is Kennedy was born into it, Kerry married it, and Romney earned it.

    I’m not sure which of them followed the best path… but Kerry’s sure was the fastest and comes with a lifetime supply of free ketchup.

  6. I wish someone would ask the question, “Where does Mrs. Thune work?”

    Come on, I know the answer, just wish local press would have the balls to do their job…

  7. Scooter, you beat me to it. I was going to remark about her employer. I assume she works for the same person, having not moved to DC.

  8. Get over it DL – I’m just stating the facts. It isn’t like Romney stole his millions from dead babies or was running a Ponzi scheme.

    So tell me what the issue is… because I can’t really figure it out.

  9. His issue? He is phony. He follows a phony religion. Isn’t that enough for you? I’m sorry, but if Romney is only concerned about fame and fortune and not Mormonism good for him, just tell us that. I applaud successful people, but don’t blow God smoke up my ass.

  10. I didn’t see anything in your original post about his religion – I thought we were talking about the 1%.

    Frankly I could care less about his religion, but do you really think he is the only politician who follows a phony religion? One could easily argue Christianity is no better or worse. Boil them all down and they all seem to believe in some man up in the clouds… the rest just comes down to varying details.

    Hell I’d elect someone who follows Scientology if I thought they were capable of turning the economy around.

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