Detroit, asking the dreaded question. DE-TV?

If the Quen Be De didn’t already hate me before, I’m pretty sure after tonight, she does. I asked the lingering question, “Why were you watching TV during important public debate on a tax increase?” What was one of her main excuses? First she said something about her monitor was just ‘on’. Because, you know, TV just appears before you. Then she used the favorite, 3rd grader excuse, “But Sally and Jimmy watch TV to during the meetings.”

It was pretty much beat up De night. I will give her props, she walked into the Lion’s den. Candidates, VanderLinden, Staggers and DeMatteo are very fiscally conservative, but heck, the Quen even had YsBrand disagreeing with her. Ouch.

She did chuckle when I walked in and she told me she found my picture of her with the logs on my site to be funny. I will agree with her on that point, it is pretty damn funny.

I will say this about the debate, it should have been filmed. It was one of the most dynamic city council debates I have ever seen. The answers were passionate, funny, stupid and intelligent all wrapped into one. Think about it. You put a lawyer, a mathematician, a history professor and a donut maker on the same stage, there is bound to be nuttiness.

I also finished the night with a drink I apparently invented called the, ‘Double-Vodka-Martini-Gimlet-tonic, with a lime.’ After my second favorite bartender told me that my drink was not really a drink. That’s the official name, so f’ck off.

7 Thoughts on “SF City Council Tea Party Debate

  1. anooner on March 27, 2012 at 7:23 am said:

    What was she doing with those logs anyway? Also, Lewis, are you going to share what you’re doing for your new gig? Still in food and bev?

  2. Tom H. on March 27, 2012 at 9:12 am said:

    Wait, who’s the mathematician?

  3. Maybe that is a stretch, but VanderLinden has a degree in math from Orville Redenbacher’s university.

  4. Pathloss on March 27, 2012 at 11:11 am said:

    Have you seen De’s signs. They’re huge. She must be developer corruption favored. Staggers is not on the council. Can’t use unsubstantiated ethics scorn this time. Expect another trick. If that’s how this works, get De to a male stripper party. Tell her there will be logs for her to soap opera.

  5. Pathloss on March 27, 2012 at 11:14 am said:

    Oh! This time De will take the ballots home. She’ll be up all night darkening De circles while watching soap opera TiVo.

  6. She’ll just bring her pals from KELO and the Argus over to her home to do the job for her.

  7. l3wis on March 27, 2012 at 5:04 pm said:

    PL – Yeah, I am a little concerned about the last minute trickery that the Knudson campaign may or may not pull. She promised a positive campaign, so we will see.

    Anooner, she told me the whole story, but I forget, I think a neighbor gave them to her, and they were teasing her about the logs in her car. I told her she should have drove the convertible yesterday, because it is so nice. To tell you the truth, I think De is a nice lady, I do agree with her on recycling and sustainability, not sure what the other candidates were rambling about. Everything is single stream now, you basically but recycling in one box and garbage in the other, not hard. And to get 20% is not that hard either. It is just resistance from the haulers. I do agree with not telling the little guy what to do and competition, I use a fantastic small hauler that charges me almost half of what WM did, and they take recycling. There is a balance that can be met with the haulers, but it has to do with progression. One of my friends used to be the PR person at a major recycler in town, until she moved away. She told me education is the key with the small haulers, she told me the ironic part is that they can make money from recycling, so she didn’t understand the resistance. Like I said, it has to do with educating them. I also agree with Ellis, the city needs to recycle better in the parks also and set an example.

    As for the job, I will tell you when we open, I am pretty excited because it is kinda a new concept to SF.

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