
WASHINGTON — When asked Sunday whether he would accept an invitation to run as vice president on the ticket with presumptive GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney, Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) said that “you never rule out opportunities or options” in political life.

By l3wis

26 thoughts on “Thune, “Vice President? You talkin’ to me?” (H/T – Helga)”
  1. Look at Thune’s life from being the apple of his father’s eye recording high school ‘records’ to the present and you will see nothing but an opportunistic moron.

    Thune has taken advantage of everyone and everything he could to be the next ‘Christian’ to save us. The college he attended was setup to build proper christian leaders to rule us all. Another hypocritical moron selected to bedazzle us with his looks and smile. With these bedazzling tricks he will gain the publicity necessary to run in 2016 as our christian savor.

  2. I hope he runs as VP with Romney. It will be fun to watch all the Thunites cry in the streets of SD on November 3rd.

  3. /raises hand – Thunite here! – I’m pretty sure whomever the ‘right’ throws in there against Obummer will have some fatal flaw and never be able to live up to the Pelosi’s and Barney Franks of the left…

    Partisan vitriol aside…Travis Bickle would be a scary VP!

  4. If you are going to “quote” someone use the whole Quote:”I don’t think you ever, you never rule out opportunities or options … you don’t want to foreclose options,” Thune said when he asked whether he was interested in the vice presidential nomination. “But I have a job to do in the U.S. Senate. I like what i’m doing.”

  5. Pretty sure Thune would leap at the opportunity as most people in his position would. However Romney isn’t about to pick a guy from a conservative state who doesn’t really bring anything to the table. The simple reality is Thune is just a tad too much like Romney himself.

    I don’t think Romney will go “full rogue” with a pick like McCain made, but I do expect it to be someone who ends up being a little more dynamic than Thune. Rubio is often mentioned, Chris Christie is a possibility, even Paul Ryan. I’m not saying any of these men would be a better or worse choice than Thune, but from a political perspective they are smarter choices.

  6. Thune won’t have to leave the Senate to run especially in a campaign destined to lose; and, his choice as Veep candidate is the perfect addition to woo the christians who feel that one doesn’t exist at the top of the ticket.

  7. Oh man I sure hope this happens. I would love to see Mitt Romney and his sons try to hunt pheasants.

  8. Thine is and always will be an opportunistic moron. He will jump at any chance to build on the Christian martyr brand. If for no other reason than being in position for 2016.

    Romney will not chose the morman Rubio to the ticket. It will be Thune it Portmam.

    C, the quote was still enough either way to show the fraud he is.

  9. I believe when Romney hunts, he likes to hunt critters.

    Does that require a special hunting license in SD?

  10. I have felt all along that Thune endorsed Romney early to get the VP nod. I am going to stick to my guns and say it will happen. If I am wrong, oh well. What are you going to do, fire me?

  11. “Oh man I sure hope this happens. I would love to see Mitt Romney and his sons try to hunt pheasants.”

    I was going to make a nasty comment, but I better not. Cheney will not be involved will he? That could be disasterous.

  12. But why should the christian values of John Thune be preferred over those of Rick Santorum?

  13. Because Thune’s Protestant religion is ethereal, theoretical, but absolute and white…like Mormonism is, only more exclusive.

    Protestantism isn’t a social contract: it’s an investment in Calvinism.

  14. There is a fascinating book called, “The Family”, written by Jeff Sharlet.

    It is about the secret fundamentalism at the heart of American power. In it, Sharlet talks about John Thune’s long term connection to “The Family” and to “Ivanwald”, the Family’s compound in Washington D.C.

  15. cr, Augie grad, Bryan Schwartz ’94, spoke in here in Sioux Falls 2010. In case you don’t know who he is, here is a quick rundown.

    He was a football player for Augie and went on to play for the Jacksonville (FL) Jaguars http://www.augietickets.com/user_pages/event.asp?id=211&cid=6 . After his football career went down the tubes, he became a preacher with a mission. He is now a leader of the ‘C Street’ movement in Washington. His ‘C Street’ job is to help the corrupt members of this special club see their mission is for world order under their control.

    Read The Family, the many articles and books about this corrupt group and their special house of ill-repute. Our boy Johnny is a member in good standing and former resident until the heat was really on him to get out.

    As you read about The Family, their National Prayer Breakfast, their Fellowship of Christian Athletes organization and their Koch Brothers connection think about all the South Dakota connections to this corruption.

  16. Anon, Mitt hunts small varmints. That rules out pheasants. However, perhaps now that Dick has a new ticker he might be back for hunting season and the two of them could go hunting together. Male bonding, but a bullet proof vest would be recommended.

  17. Chris Matthews on Hardball – MSNBC – last night posted the full quote from Thune (and it is not what Mr. “c” abov e posted either. Matthews believes Thune will be the VP pick.

  18. It’s probbly going to be Mitt and His Family will come out to the good old Sodak with David Brooks alongwith and hunt coyotees and phesants and then talk a good game about Obama being tTHe Antichrist with John THune nodding quietly inthe back.

  19. Anon, oh geez, I hope someone will be there to take pictures. We all need to see that. ggg

  20. “This thread is a hoot.”

    No kidding, huh? Love reading about people defending Thune.

  21. One time I was up at the crack of dawn with a big pot of coffee watching C-Span morning call in show and John Thune called in on the open lines anonymously to suck up to U.S. Representative Peter King (R-NY) for being a great guy and he just rambled on and on about Saddam Hussein and oh brother you could just tell it was him by how he talked. Even Pete King got tired of listening to it.

  22. “This thread is a hoot.”

    This thread is more than just a hoot. It’s what the Argus can never be. Here, a person can at least get an inkling about the C Street boys. You’ll NEVER see a word about it on the printed pages of the Argus. You want the latest on what their advertisers are doing lately, (T Denny), read the Argus. You want the latest in reality, read DaCola.

  23. I encourage everyone to read “The Family” by Jeff Sharlet.

    John Thune may be on the “short list” for Romney’s VP, but I doubt that he will be the ultimate choice.

    The fact remains that he is representing all South Dakotans in the United States Congress, and for that reason alone the state’s largest newspaper needs to explain Senator Thune’s connection to “The Family”, “Ivanwald”, “C” Street,…………

    Months ago, when Thune’s name began to surface as a possible VP candidate, I actually gave a copy of the book to an Argus reporter………..

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