What a beautiful viewing, for the 2nd week in a row. Apparently seven days isn’t long enough to fix a software glitch. And who are we kidding anyway? We’ve had over 5 years or more to move the RR tracks. How’s that working out?

By l3wis

10 thoughts on “Thanks for tuning into the SF City Council meeting tonight online”
  1. Lewis,

    Contact Sue Quanbeck-Etten. She is the director of Central Services which oversees Channel 16/Citylink. I don’t have her direct number but can get it if necessary

  2. Unusual, but always same old production so they resemble constitutional government. There’s no democracy, only Huether’s Reich. I’ve don’t view the city web site because I hate being reminded. When the city enters it’s financial crisis from public funds fraud, I’m hoping channel 16 goes first. I don’t need that propaganda coming into my home.

  3. Captain, it is working now. I guess another citizen called last night and asked what was up with it. They are not sure. I figured Sue is working on it. It needs to get fixed, we pay a lot for SIRE, it should have been working from Day 1.

  4. Vernon Brown day in SF!? Get out your velvet hammer and go build a bench at the rainbow unicorn park!

    I just viewed the spectacle for the first 20 minutes of the city council meeting. Trophies, framed photos, crying, and a little vomit in the back of my throat. The best part was during the meeting the look on Vernon’s wife’s face – Gawd, I’m glad this is finally over with.

  5. Click on the link above, that now works.

    C’mon, this should not surprise you, I saw this coming a mile away. I will say this though, I don’t think Vernon asked for it, and I will defend him on that.

    Someone asked me to post about Vernon’s legacy on the council, and I said. “Maybe.”

    It’ hard to tell what Vern stood for. Honestly.

    So I have 3 words about Vernon as a councilor “He was vague.”

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