By l3wis

23 thoughts on “Write your own caption”
  1. “Hey! Who stole the googly eyes from my airport picture! Fk’n snow monkeys! You don’t cut the mustard!”

  2. A story goes, John Kennedy would be given hats and would politely not wear them. Why give your opponents an easy mark.

    Sub-prime Mike is no John Kennedy…

  3. “When he was told Davy Jones had passed, Mayor Mike immediately took steps to become a member of the Monkees fan club. Unfortunately nobody informed the Mayor that Davy Jones was part of a band, not a zoo exhibit”.

    “Monkey see – Monkey do”

    One of these two has been known to throw crap at reporters… the other is a Mayor.

  4. Clark: How about the Wally World National Anthem? Okay okay you start.

    Ellen: Who’s the…

    Family: Moosiest moose we know, Marty Moose. Who’s the star of our favorite show, Marty Moose. M is for merry, we’re merry you see. O is for oh gosh oh golly oh gee. S is for super smile family glee, E is for everything you want to be. MARTY MOOSE.

    Ellen: What’s that spell?

    Family: Marty Moose, Marty Moose. Marty Moose.

  5. Mike Dukakis + tank +army helmet = Oops circa 1988

    Mike Heuther + hard hat + monkey face = Oops circa 2012

  6. I just think it is funny that the zoo goes begging to the city for money then spends money on something as stupid as these hardhats.

  7. Very funny! I would modify Craig’s from “One of these two has been known to throw crap at reporters… the other is a Mayor.” to this:

    “One of these two has been known to throw crap at reporters… the other is a monkey.”

  8. Hear, see, or speak no evil against my tyranny. This hard hat gives me authority to rig another election and float another 110 million Goldman Sachs scheme.

  9. What they will do is make the improvements and then raise the rates. I am old enough to remember when the zoo was free.

  10. Surprised he posed for this picture. Mike told me recently he attended a grand opening of a DT meeting (I was there to) and someone took a picture of him with a beer in his hand and they posted it on FB and he asked the business to remove the picture (he doesn’t like pictures of him with alcohol in his hand, but monkey hats, that is just fine.)

  11. D.E. – That is actually what I meant to write. Guess I screwed that up… but you get the idea.

  12. From an email;

    “….proving again we cannot underestimate him, just when you think he can’t, he finds a way to improve his image.”

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