Over the years, I have watched how things don’t change much at the Pavilion.

While they do try new things here and there, they really struggle with providing real adult entertainment. I know in the past when they have tried adult themed events they have gone over very well.

In no way am I telling the Pavilion what to do, and I certainly have not contacted them about any of my ideas. But with downtown Sioux Falls becoming more hopping and popular with younger people I think it is time the Pavilion tap into that energy.

My ideas are simple, gear Friday and Saturday night programs towards young adults 18-35.

You could set-up Leonardos as a lounge that also serves appetizers and you could put on laser light shows in the Cinedome. You could also do tours through the art galleries. There is also a ton of other combinations of different events you could try. Small local band performances in the Belbas or Schulte theaters, comedy acts or even indy films.

I know the Pavilion has tried some of these things on a ‘One-Tier’ level, but never a combination of events. I know Larry Toll has asked me to contact him, maybe I just will.

10 Thoughts on “Pavilion Night Life?

  1. Lemming on June 5, 2012 at 12:58 am said:

    Anything on the weekends would be better than letting that big empty vault sit with the lights all off. I really like the idea of letting some local bands play there on weekends

  2. I’d be happy if there was one show per year that I want to see, as I haven’t been in the building since the Elvis Costello show almost 10 years ago.

  3. I think you have to do a combination of things to make it work. You can’t ‘just have a concert’ You could have a pre-party (meet and greet even), The concert and an after party, you could even offer shuttle rides home. Too often they just do a concert.

  4. I still think an interactive, instructional, handd on music museum would be a huge draw.

    A smaller version of the Experience Music Project in Seattle would certainly cost some $$ to implement, but even at $5 a head you could turn that place into a moneymaker very quickly.

    I had sent this idea to Gary Brown a few years ago and he replied very positively, then like two months later he was gone. Hope those two events aren’t related.

  5. l3wis on June 5, 2012 at 4:08 pm said:

    Gary Wood, you meant, I am sure. I like the idea of a music museum.

  6. My bad, it’s Wood not Brown. And the funny thing about the time we were at the Experience in Seattle, there were at least as many adults & parents enjoying the place as their were kids.

  7. While the Experience has exhibits with kids in mind, the place has always been designed for the boomers. Not to besmirch what you noticed.

  8. l3wis on June 6, 2012 at 12:40 pm said:

    Eww, a new word. Besmirch.

    Hudson, you rock.

  9. “Eww” and “you rock” in the same post. No wonder I’m so passive-aggressive.

  10. l3wis on June 6, 2012 at 10:07 pm said:

    You got me.

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