Political High Today.

Guys and Gals:

I have started yet another blog.  This one is about the nuts and bolts of politics called Political High.  It is about what I think works and doesn’t work in running for office.  It is mostly non-partisan.  I’m looking to help candidates and consultants of all persuasions with ideas about campaign tactics and methods.

If you would be so kind as to add it to your aggregators or blog rolls, that would be wonderful. 

2 Thoughts on “Todd Epp’s has ‘ANOTHER’ political Blog

  1. Ghost of Dude on October 21, 2008 at 9:22 am said:

    Cool. Now I know how to run for city council and win.
    If only I knew someone who’d be good at designing campaign signs…

  2. I also suggest you pick up Wellstone’s book on grassroots campaigning, very informative.

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