Hit the road Jack

FF to 16:30 of the city council meeting, Tim says it best about ‘multiple questioning’ of city directors by city councilors (paraphrasing);

“Maybe instead of councilors having to ask multiple questions to get the answer they want out of directors, the directors just need to answer the direct questions?!”

Well, Tim, that would require them to leave their kitty-kats at home.

8 Thoughts on “Hero of the Day; Tim Stenga

  1. Thank You Tim! You said it exactly right treat each other with respect.

  2. Earlier today, I started to watch the video from yesterday’s Council Informational meeting. I just tried to go back to it…..AND, its mysteriously disappeared!!

    I wonder what part they are REVISING!!??…..

    Could it be Director of Parks and Rec, Don Kearney, offering an explanation to the Council of the breakdown of South Dakota Junior Football Association’s 1.5 million dollar commitment to the taxpayers (no actual numbers were provided, of course………!!)

    Footnote: Taxpayers bonded for an additional 4.2 million dollars for 12 football fields at Sanford Sports Complex for a total cost of 5.7 million.

    That means each field cost $475,000.

    To put the $475,000 a field into perspective…..Sioux Falls newest park, Granite Valley, will cost $347,130 to design and construct (Source: 2012-2016 Capital Improvement Program). Now, let’s talk about frivolous, extravagant spending of tax dollars……!!??

    OR, perhaps the revision is being done to the somewhat heated discussion about the number of questions each Councilor is allowed………….

  3. Pathloss on June 20, 2012 at 5:33 pm said:

    Uh . . . forebearance. Money coming in from Goldman Sachs bonds for the events center is being spent on whatever at inflated cost with high profit to developers and apportionment to Huether. This is the method deployed for 30 cities nationwide. Before Huether ends his term, 110 million will disappear and there will still be no events center. Municipal Bonds are the next financials scam. Investors will be hurt most but the city will have penalties and setback that will take years to recover from.

  4. Pathloss on June 20, 2012 at 5:35 pm said:

    At least we didn’t vote for the events center. Lutz did.

  5. l3wis on June 20, 2012 at 10:17 pm said:

    CR – I have emailed Jamison and Staggers about the meeting suddenly disappearing, and several meetings before this. I don’t contact the city clerk anymore, she has the choker chain on, and Sue and Michelle have it pulled pretty tight.

  6. Lemming on June 20, 2012 at 11:27 pm said:

    I got stuck for a moment on the lady talking about possums, goldenrod, clover, snakes and west nile disease…
    Tim nailed it (Wiedermann did too earlier) when he addressed the ‘2 question’ limit. The thing I like about Tim is he is the real deal – I dont always agree with him but he is genuine and tells it like it is.

  7. Yeah, his idea about bringing a national sprint car races to Sioux Falls kinda made me chuckle, though he may be on to something. Dirt beer and earplugs baby!

  8. Beer Jew on June 25, 2012 at 11:18 am said:

    Hell yes he’s on to something. I’d come back to South Dakota for that! Dirt track racing kicks ass! Loud and owwwwwlllllllyyy!

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