It used to be I was scoffed by many people, angry conspiracy theorist and all. But over the past year I have gotten nothing but positive feedback, donations and encouragement, and not just from people I know, but readers and commenters.

Several commenters have even came ‘out of the closet’ and have approached me in public and told me their screen names.

This is what I have wanted South DaCola to be, a platform for information you won’t get from the local media. A vent for citizens.

I have made incredible friends that I never would have imagined. People passionate about integrity and open government. People expecting top notch customer service from their elected officials. And honesty.

In fact I actually enjoy the criticism more then the compliments. It keeps me on my toes and makes me look in the mirror, much more then I want to.

Now for the compliments. I met a South DaCola reader about a month ago and she sang praises about my site. I recently ran into her again, and she said something that almost made me cry.

“What you do is so wonderful, never stop!”

She said some other things to, that made me blush a bit.

The best part was a comment she made to me that I have turned into a joke;

‘What’s the difference between a SD Democrat and a Minnesota Republican?’



24 Thoughts on “Thanks for the compliments

  1. Muqhtar on June 27, 2012 at 12:53 am said:

    I want to thank you for all you do. I’m glad I found your site. It’s hard to find ANYTHING in this town that challenges the status quo, that isn’t corporate-mainstream, that points out that the emperor wears no clothes. Our mainstream news media, instead of rattling cages and riling people up fails to do anything but praise the people who corrupt this town. I’m glad you do it. Thanks again sir! And yes, I’m learning that a MN Republican is the same as a SD Democrat first-hand!

  2. l3wis on June 27, 2012 at 1:05 am said:

    People don’t like making waves. Which I find funny, because SD would have never became a state without people willing to take a risk like Frank Pettigrew.

  3. Concerned Liberal on June 27, 2012 at 1:30 am said:

    But at least Minnesota Republicans don’t have Janklow refugees encamped within their Party!

  4. l3wis on June 27, 2012 at 1:35 am said:

    Well said my friend! LOL!

  5. Helga on June 27, 2012 at 2:24 am said:

    But Minnesota republicans do have Michele Bachmann who thinks the Muslim Brotherhood has infiltrated the US government. And pink fairies are dancing in her head or around Marcus. Take your pick.

  6. Poly43 on June 27, 2012 at 6:45 am said:

    A prime example of why we come here is illustrated once again in today’s argus. It’s like two completely different worlds when reading your take on the mayors budget and Sarah Reineke’s. Small wonder guys like mmm are able to do what they do. Our watchdog has no teeth!

  7. Poly, it’s not ‘special interest club sports’ it’s called ‘quality of life projects’ and it’s not ‘debt’ it’s ‘investment’.

    You have to watch this land use meeting where the entire committee and crowd in the chambers openly laugh at Darrin Smith, and not just a whispering chuckle, but a long drawn out laugh.

    You will also have to watch the beginning where Tex Rolfing asks for the approval of the ‘Meetings from the last minutes’ and the city clerk just kinda looks down like (here we go again).

  8. Sioux Falls is great despite its leadership, not because of it.

    Thanks again for what you do here. I may not always agree with your take on things, but when it comes to politics nobody ever agrees on everything.

  9. Craig on June 27, 2012 at 9:59 am said:

    I still say you need to shut-up and go make croutons.


  10. Pathloss on June 27, 2012 at 11:53 am said:

    I come here to get the real story. It develops from the subject and bloggers input. This is a better media format. The Argus and TV stations report how they see it or how they’re told to see it. Here, I’ve learned to ignore city policies. They are their own culture that does not represent the population at large.

  11. Pathloss on June 27, 2012 at 12:00 pm said:

    And another thing. There’s no code enforcement. The city does not allow itself access to the courts (code 2-66) and cannot collect fines, implement liens, or seize property. The only method they have is buying. It’s a good time to become a slum lord and profit when the city buys you out. The code enforcement angle just doesn’t fly. It’s also a good time to open a nude juice bar. The city has ordinances they cannot enforce without the courts.

  12. Pathloss on June 27, 2012 at 12:03 pm said:

    I enjoyed Art Garfunkle getting laughed at.

  13. Concerned Liberal on June 27, 2012 at 1:11 pm said:

    Helga – Point well taken, Bachmann is definitely an embarrassment for the Minnesota GOP, but with that all said and done the bottom line is this. Bachmann and Sandlin had the same voting records in Congress when it came to key legislative issues like the extensions to the Patriot Act and the adoption of a comprehensive health care act….. one must be careful of the company you keep.

  14. D.E. Bishop on June 27, 2012 at 2:19 pm said:

    Thanks for your blog. I enjoy and respect you and what you write.

    MN Repubs are disowning some of their more famous elders because those people are not close enough to a teabagger ethos. The Repubs here are just as icky and creepy as many more conservative states. We are saved by having an ethical Demo governor with a conscience and compassion. Plus, he has enough money that he’s not beholden to anyone. (Mark Dayton)

    (But he was wrong on the Vikings stadium. Let Ziggy build it himself, he can afford it.)

  15. It’s the Walmart / Cabela’s model of doing business. We will bring in jobs and economic development if you build us a road . . .

  16. PrairieLady on June 27, 2012 at 7:27 pm said:

    Thank you! The whole event center debacle got me looking for more info, that is when I found you. You do a great job.
    (Thanks for the info the other day too. I only got call backs from 3 of the 5 I called.)

  17. Rinpoche on June 27, 2012 at 10:24 pm said:

    So this is what a mutual masturbation society looks like. All five readers getting together with Little Napoleon to give each other a tug and a rub. Seems fitting.

  18. l3wis on June 27, 2012 at 10:30 pm said:

    I have about 10,000 individual readers a day, that’s a pretty hard tug job.

  19. Testor15 on June 27, 2012 at 10:56 pm said:

    Rinpoche, did you stub your toe?

  20. Lemming on June 27, 2012 at 11:03 pm said:

    C’mon Rin! There’s plenty of give and take usually in the comments. We need more Thune love here (ducks head due to incoming popcorn) but otherwise its a fun daily read. I love the City Hall insight and updates on the council happenings + we’re not limited to 8 views a month before being locked out!

  21. l3wis on June 28, 2012 at 8:37 am said:

    I should change my header to read, “The FREE online newspaper in Sioux Falls.” with a side bar that reads, “You have 10,000 more free reads available.”

  22. Testor15 on June 28, 2012 at 2:37 pm said:

    This sight has made local politics fun…

  23. Testor15 on June 28, 2012 at 3:12 pm said:

    and site…

  24. l3wis on June 28, 2012 at 4:39 pm said:

    I will admit, I do enjoy writing about this stuff. But also think it is important to give folks the other side of the story sometimes.

    Make it a Great Day 🙂

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